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wydawnictwo: SAGE PUBLICATIONS , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 155.00 Twoja cena  147,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Coaching and mentoring are fast becoming essential aspects of modern managerial practice. And with this growth comes an increasing number of students embarking on mentoring courses. Authors Bob Garvey, Paul Stokes, and David Megginson have provided the first authoritative text with a comprehensive overview and critical grounding in the key concepts, models, and research studies in coaching and mentoring. This is an essential tool by which to gain a critical and contemporary understanding of this field.

Table of Contents

List of Figures ix

About the Authors x

Introduction 1

Part 1 An Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring 7

1 The Meaning of Coaching and Mentoring 9

2 Researching Coaching and Mentoring 28

3 Creating a Coaching and Mentoring Culture 53

4 Design and Evaluation 67

5 Models and Perspectives on Coaching and Mentoring 80

6 Conversational Learning 96

Part 2 Influences on Coaching and Mentoring 109

7 Power in Coaching and Mentoring 111

8 Multiple Relationships 125

9 E-development 140

10 The Goal Assumption: a Mindset Issue in Organizations? 151

Part 3 Contemporary Issues in Coaching and Mentoring 161

11 Supervision 163

12 Coaching and Mentoring and Diversity 177

13 Competencies, Standards and Professionalization 188

Part 4 Towards a Theory of Coaching and Mentoring 203

14 A United States Perspective on Coaching and Mentoring Dawn Chandler 205

15 Towards a Theory of Coaching and Mentoring 221

References 233

Index 251

272 pages, Paperback

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