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wydawnictwo: ELSEVIER SCIENCE , rok wydania 2009, wydanie III

cena netto: 361.00 Twoja cena  342,95 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

A comprehensive blend of theoretical and practical material covering this dynamic market, Suresh Sundaresan's Fixed Income Markets and Their Derivatives provides a detailed view of the debt markets, enhanced in the third edition by extensive exploration of derivatives applications and strategies. Tightly organized chapters create a solid foundation with concepts, definitions and models, and build to complex, but well illustrated, practical examples. More than a textbook, this volume is a valuable addition to the reference bookshelf.
—Paul Calello, CEO, Investment Bank, Credit Suisse

'Sundaresan's Fixed Income Markets and Their Derivatives, already the most comprehensive textbook on the subject, is thoroughly revised and updated in this new edition. Readers will especially appreciate Sundaresan's coverage of the financial crisis that began in 2007, and his clear explanations of a wide range of fixed-income financial products.'
—Darrell Duffie, Dean Witter Distinguished Professor of Finance, Stanford University, CA

"This new edition of an expansive and erudite text on fixed income markets by one of the most highly respected scholars in the field should be a welcome event for practitioners and academics alike."
—Andrew W. Lo, Harris & Harris Group Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management, MA

'This book provides an excellent introduction to the fixed income markets. Its well-organized chapters cover both the practical aspects of fixed income securities, contracts, derivatives, and markets as well as the fundamental economic principles needed to navigate the fixed income world. This is definitely a must-have book for anyone interested inlearning about these fast-paced markets.'
—Francis A. Longstaff, Allstate Professor of Insurance and Finance UCLA/Anderson School, CA

'This is an outstanding book. What makes it stand out is the truly excellent balance that Professor Sundaresan has managed to achieve between theory and institutional material and between breadth and depth. The book's range is also unusually good with excellent coverage on credit risky bonds, credit derivatives and mortgages. It is an ideal book for MBA courses on fixed income.'
—Stephen Schaefer, Professor of Finance, London Business School, UK

"Sundaresan's Fixed Income Markets and Their Derivatives, already the most comprehensive textbook on the subject, is thoroughly revised and updated in this new edition. Readers will especially appreciate Sundaresan's coverage of the financial crisis that began in 2007, and his clear explanations of a wide range of fixed-income financial products."
--Darrell Duffie, Dean Witter Distinguished Professor of Finance, Stanford University, CA

"This new edition of an expansive and erudite text on fixed income markets by one of the most highly respected scholars in the field should be a welcome event for practitioners and academics alike."
--Andrew W. Lo, Harris & Harris Group Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management, MA

"This book provides an excellent introduction to the fixed income markets. Its well-organized chapters cover both the practical aspects of fixed income securities, contracts, derivatives, and markets as well as the fundamental economic principles needed to navigate the fixed income world. This is definitely a must-have book for anyone interested in learning about these fast-paced markets."
--Francis A. Longstaff, Allstate Professor of Insurance and Finance UCLA/Anderson School, CA

Table of Contents

Ch. 1 Overview of Fixed Income Markets 3

Ch. 2 Price-Yield Conventions 25

Ch. 3 Federal Reserve (Central Bank) and Fixed Income Markets 45

Ch. 4 Organization and Transparency of Fixed Income Markets 57

Ch. 5 Financing Debt Securities: Repurchase (Repo) Agreements 67

Ch. 6 Auctions of Treasury Debt Securities 87

Ch. 7 Bond Mathematics: DVO1, Duration, and Convexity 105

Ch. 8 Yield Curve and the Term Structure 131

Ch. 9 Models of Yield Curve and the Term Structure 165

Ch. 10 Modeling Credit Risk and Corporate Debt Securities 197

Ch. 11 Mortgages, Federal Agencies, and Agency Debt 227

Ch. 12 Mortgage-Backed Securities 245

Ch. 13 Inflation-Linked Debt: Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities 269

Ch. 14 Derivatives on Overnight Interest Rates 293

Ch. 15 Eurodollar Futures Contracts 303

Ch. 16 Interest-Rate Swaps 325

Ch. 17 Treasury Futures Contracts 353

Ch. 18 Credit Default Swaps: Single-Name, Portfolio, and Indexes 377

Ch. 19 Structured Credit Products: Collateralized Debt Obligations 397

Glossary of Financial Terms 411

Index 423

456 pages, Hardcover

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