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Wszystkie akty prawne są tłumaczone z zastosowaniem spójnego zbioru
terminologii prawnej PolTerm, starannie opracowanego pod okiem
prawników, ekonomistów, rodowitych znawców języka i terminologów. Spójność
zbioru oznacza, że terminowi w języku polskim odpowiada tylko jeden ekwiwalent w języku
angielskim. Profesjonalnie opracowana terminologia ze zbioru PolTerm weszła w skład
bazy EuroTermBank powstałej na zlecenie Komisji Europejskiej.
Na życzenie zamawiającego tłumaczenia mają formę zbindowanego wydruku w formacie
A4 lub formatu PDF /adobe/ na płycie CD lub formatu PDF /adobe/ przesyłanego drogą
The EuroTermBank project focuses on harmonisation and consolidation of
terminology work in new EU member states, transferring experience from other European
Union terminology networks and accumulating competencies and efforts of the accessed
countries. The project will result in a centralized online terminology bank for languages
of new EU member countries interlinked to other terminology banks and resources. Although
EuroTermBank is addressed directly towards Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, and
Poland, the project is open to other new EU member states and interested countries and
organizations outside EU.
ACT of 28 April 1936 CHEQUES LAW
(Dziennik Ustaw 1936, No. 37, item 283 with subsequent amendments:
Dziennik Ustaw 1997, No. 88, item 554; 2006, No. 73, item 501)
Article 1. A cheque shall contain:
1) the term “cheque” in the text of the document itself, in the
language in which it was drawn;
2) an unconditional order to pay a stated sum of money;
3) the name of the person who is to pay (drawee);
4) a specification of the place of payment;
5) a specification of the date and place of issue of the cheque;
6) the signature of the drawer of the cheque.
Article 2. A document without one of the features indicated in the
preceding Article shall not be considered a cheque, save for the cases specified in the
following paragraphs.
In the case of lack of a separate designation, the place specified next
to the name of the drawee shall be considered the place of payment. If several places are
specified next to the drawee’s name, the cheque shall be payable in the place specified
In the absence of such a specification or any other specification, a
cheque shall payable in the place of issue.
A cheque without specification of the place of issue shall be
considered to have been drawn in the place specified next to the drawer’s name.
Article 3. A cheque may be drawn to the banker who has the drawer’s
funds at disposal, under an express or implied contract authorizing the drawer to dispose
of such funds by means of a cheque. However, a document issued in contravention of this
provision shall nevertheless be valid as a cheque.
In cheques issued and payable in Poland only the banker may be
indicated as the drawee. A payment order which does not comply with this provision shall
be invalid as a cheque.
Article 4. A cheque shall not be subject to acceptance. A mention of
acceptance put on a cheque shall be considered not to have been written.