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wydawnictwo: TRANSLAW , rok wydania 2011, wydanie I

cena netto: 127.00 Twoja cena  120,65 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Uwaga: cena netto + 23% Vat.

Wszystkie akty prawne są tłumaczone z zastosowaniem spójnego zbioru terminologii prawnej PolTerm, starannie opracowanego pod okiem prawników, ekonomistów, rodowitych znawców języka i terminologów. Spójność zbioru oznacza, że terminowi w języku polskim odpowiada tylko jeden ekwiwalent w języku angielskim. Profesjonalnie opracowana terminologia ze zbioru PolTerm weszła w skład bazy EuroTermBank powstałej na zlecenie Komisji Europejskiej.

Na życzenie zamawiającego tłumaczenia mają formę zbindowanego wydruku w formacie A4 lub formatu PDF /adobe/ na płycie CD lub formatu PDF /adobe/ przesyłanego drogą e-mail.

The EuroTermBank project focuses on harmonisation and consolidation of terminology work in new EU member states, transferring experience from other European Union terminology networks and accumulating competencies and efforts of the accessed countries. The project will result in a centralized online terminology bank for languages of new EU member countries interlinked to other terminology banks and resources. Although EuroTermBank is addressed directly towards Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland, the project is open to other new EU member states and interested countries and organizations outside EU.



ACT of 28 September 1991 ON FISCAL CONTROL

(Consolidated text: Dziennik Ustaw 2004, No. 8, item 65 with subsequent amendments: No. 64, item 594, No. 91, item 868, No. 171, item 1800, No. 173, item 1808, No. 124, item 1042; 2005, No. 132, item 1110, No. 183, item 1537; 2006, No. 66, item 470, No. 104, items 708 and 711, No. 157, item 1119, No. 191, item 1413, No. 217, item 1590; 2007, No. 171, item 1207; 2008, No. 110, item 707, No. 209, item 1318, No. 227, item 1505; 2009, No. 18, item 97, No. 85, item 716)


Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1. 1. The purpose of fiscal control is to protect the interests and property rights of the State Treasury and to ensure effective execution of tax obligations and other dues which constitute the income of the State budget or State earmarked funds.

2. The purpose of fiscal control is also to examine the compliance of the management of assets of other State legal persons with the law, counteracting and suppressing infringements of law in the field of foreign trading in goods and trading in goods brought from abroad, as well as preventing and revealing the offences specified in Articles 228 to 231 of the Penal Code among the persons employed by or in the service of organizational units under control of the minister competent for public finance.

Article 2. 1. The scope of fiscal control shall comprise:

1) control of veracity of the tax bases declared and correctness of calculation and payment of taxes constituting the State budget income, as well as other dues of the State budget or State earmarked funds;

2) disclosure and control of economic activity not declared for taxation, as well as the incomes non-accountable for in disclosed sources of revenue;

3) control of sources of origin of the assets in the case of economic activity not having been declared for taxation, and of the income non-accountable for in disclosed sources of revenue;

4) control of the expediency and compliance with law of the management of public funds and means from the European Union and international financial institutions subject to repayment;


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