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Wszystkie akty prawne są tłumaczone z zastosowaniem spójnego zbioru
terminologii prawnej PolTerm, starannie opracowanego pod okiem
prawników, ekonomistów, rodowitych znawców języka i terminologów. Spójność
zbioru oznacza, że terminowi w języku polskim odpowiada tylko jeden ekwiwalent w języku
angielskim. Profesjonalnie opracowana terminologia ze zbioru PolTerm weszła w skład
bazy EuroTermBank powstałej na zlecenie Komisji Europejskiej.
Na życzenie zamawiającego tłumaczenia mają formę zbindowanego wydruku w formacie
A4 lub formatu PDF /adobe/ na płycie CD lub formatu PDF /adobe/ przesyłanego drogą
The EuroTermBank project focuses on harmonisation and consolidation of
terminology work in new EU member states, transferring experience from other European
Union terminology networks and accumulating competencies and efforts of the accessed
countries. The project will result in a centralized online terminology bank for languages
of new EU member countries interlinked to other terminology banks and resources. Although
EuroTermBank is addressed directly towards Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, and
Poland, the project is open to other new EU member states and interested countries and
organizations outside EU.
ACT of 16 November 2006 ON STAMP DUTY
(Dziennik Ustaw 2006, No. 225, item 1635 with subsequent amendments:
Dziennik Ustaw 2007, No. 64, item 427, No. 124, item 859, No. 127, item 880, No. 128, item
883; 2008, No. 44, item 262, No. 63, item 394, No. 182, item 1121, No. 195, item 1198, No.
216, item 1367, No. 220, item 1414; 2009, No. 6, item 33, No. 22, item 120, No. 57, item
466, No. 72, item 619)
Chapter 1. Stamp Duty: Subject Matter
Article 1. 1. Stamp duty is chargeable on:
1) in individual matters falling within the scope of public
a) performance of an official act, on notification or on request;
b) issuance of a certificate on request;
c) issuance of a permission (permit, concession);
2) submission of an instrument of power of attorney or procuration or
of a copy, excerpt copy or reproduction thereof – in a matter falling within the scope
of public administration or in a judicial proceeding.
2. Stamp duty is also chargeable on the performance of an official act,
issuance of a certificate or permission (permit) by an entity other than a government and
self-government administration authority, in connection with the performance of tasks
falling within the scope of public administration, and on submission to the said entity of
an instrument of power of attorney or procuration or of a copy, excerpt copy or excerpt
Article 2. 1. Stamp duty is not chargeable on:
1) performance of an official act, issuance of a certificate and
permission (permit, concession), or on submission of an instrument of power of attorney or
procuration or of a copy, excerpt copy or reproduction thereof, in matters of:
a) child support, guardianship, curatorship and adoption;
b) social insurance, health insurance, structural pensions, reductions
provided in special provisions for non-professional soldiers and persons undergoing
substitute service and their families, as well as entitlements for the disabled persons
and for persons to whom provisions on special entitlements for war veterans apply;
c) welfare benefits, and in matters processed under the provisions on
social aid and on welfare employment,