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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 370.00 Twoja cena  351,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Executive guidance for enhancing business management through spreadsheets

Learning from spreadsheet models is cheaper, faster, and less hazardous than learning in the real world. Corporate Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel® contains numerous examples demonstrating how to use spreadsheet models to help you manage more effectively under a wide range of conditions and assumptions. You’ll learn how to use Excel’s powerful tools to:

•Perform sensitivity analysis and alert managers to the financial impact of unexpected conditions that might occur

•Identify the best strategies to maximize profits, minimize costs, and achieve other goals

•Use Monte Carlo simulation to provide a complete picture of the risks and probabilities of doing business in an uncertain environment

Corporate Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel® provides practical, real-life examples to help you relate to both the quantitative and qualitative sides of business management. In addition to using spreadsheets for analysis, you will learn how to apply them in management presentations that are convincing, and be able to justify your recommendations.

Corporate Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel® helps you become a better manager and decisionmaker—

not just a skilled spreadsheet programmer. In today’s evolving markets, it is a must-have toolbox of skills for every manager.

Table of Contents

1: Corporate Financial Statements
2: Analysis of Financial Statements
3: Forecasting Annual Revenues
4: Forecasting Financial Statements
5: Forecasting Seasonal Revenues
6: Time Value of Money
7: Cash Budgeting
8: Cost of Capital
9: Profits, Leverage
10: Depreciation, Taxes
11: Capital Budgeting
12: Applications of Capital Budgeting
13: Capital Budgeting: Risk Analysis
14: Capital Budgeting: Monte Carlo

512 pages, Hardcover

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