The ninth edition continues to provide engineers with an accessible resource
for learning calculus. The book includes carefully worked examples and special problem
types that help improve comprehension. New applied exercises demonstrate the usefulness of
the mathematics. Additional summary tables with step-by-step details are also incorporated
into the chapters to make the concepts easier to understand. The Quick Check and Focus on
Concepts exercises have been updated as well. Engineers become engaged in the material
because of the easy-to-read style and real-world examples.
Table of Contents
Ch 11 Three-Dimensional Space; Vectors
11.1 Rectangular Coordinates in 3-Space; Spheres; Cylindrical
11.2 Vectors
11.3 Dot Product; Projections
11.4 Cross Product
11.5 Parametric Equations of Lines
11.6 Planes in 3-Space
11.7 Quadric Surfaces
11.8 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
Ch 12 Vector-Valued Functions
12.1 Introduction to Vector-Valued Functions
12.2 Calculus of Vector-Valued Functions
12.3 Change of Parameter; Arc Length
12.4 Unit Tangent, Normal, and Binormal Vectors
12.5 Curvature
12.6 Motion Along a Curve
12.7 Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
Ch 13 Partial Derivatives
13.1 Functions of Two or More Variables
13.2 Limits and Continuity
13.3 Partial Derivatives
13.4 Differentiability, Differentials, and Local Linearity
13.5 The Chain Rule
13.6 Directional Derivatives and Gradients
13.7 Tangent Planes and Normal Vectors
13.8 Maxima and Minima of Functions of Two Variables
13.9 Lagrange Multipliers
Ch 14 Multiple Integrals
14.1 Double Integrals
14.2 Double Integrals over Nonrectangular Regions
14.3 Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates
14.4 Surface Area; Parametric Surfaces}
14.5 Triple Integrals
14.6 Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
14.7 Change of Variable in Multiple Integrals; Jacobians
14.8 Centers of Gravity Using Multiple Integrals
Ch 15 Topics in Vector Calculus
15.1 Vector Fields
15.2 Line Integrals
15.3 Independence of Path; Conservative Vector Fields
15.4 Green's Theorem
15.5 Surface Integrals
15.6 Applications of Surface Integrals; Flux
15.7 The Divergence Theorem
15.8 Stokes' Theorem
Appendix [order of sections TBD]
A Graphing Functions Using Calculators
and Computer Algebra Systems
B Trigonometry Review
C Solving Polynomial Equations
D Mathematical Models
E Selected Proofs
Web Appendices
F Real Numbers, Intervals, and
G Absolute Value
H Coordinate Planes, Lines, and Linear
I Distance, Circles, and
Quadratic Functions
J Second-Order Linear
Homogeneous Differential Equations; The Vibrating String
K The Discriminant
448 pages, Hardcover