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wydawnictwo: BLACKWELL , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 210.00 Twoja cena  199,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Modern Financial Macroeconomics takes a non-technical approach in examining the role that financial markets and institutions play in shaping outcomes in the modern macro economy.

  • Reviews historical and contemporary macroeconomic theory
  • Examines governmental influence on moderating (or exacerbating) economic fluctuations
  • Discusses both empirical and theoretical links between financial systems and economic performance, as well as case studies detailing the role of finance in specific business cycle episodes

Table of Contents


List of Figures.

List of Tables.

List of Case Studies.



Part I: An Introduction to Finance and Macroeconomics:.

1. The Basics of Financial Markets and Financial Institutions.

2. A Brief History of Financial Development.

Part II: Macroeconomic Theory and the Role of Finance:.

3. Business Cycles and Early Macroeconomic Theories of Finance.

4. Keynesian, Monetarist, and Neoclassical Theories.

5. New Institutional Theories of Finance: Models of Risk and the Costs of Credit Intermediation.

6. New Institutional Theories of Finance: Models of Credit Rationing.

Part III: Financial Volatility and Economic [In]Stability:.

7. The Role of Financial Systems in Monetary and Stabilization Policy.

8. Banking Crises and Asset Bubbles.

Part IV: International Finance and Financial Crises:.

9. Capital Flight and the Causes of International Financial Crises.

10. International Financial Crises: Policies and Prevention.

Part V: Conclusions:.

11. What We have Learned, What We Still Need to Learn about Financial Macroeconomics.



288 pages, Paperback

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