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wydawnictwo: WILEY JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 140.00 Twoja cena  133,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

A dynamic young leader shows how leading with love and respect creates success in business and life

Written by the founder of Operation HOPE and advisor to the past two U.S. presidents, this groundbreaking book makes the case that the best way to get ahead is to figure out what you have to give to a world seemingly obsessed with the question: What do I get? Aimed at a new generation of leaders and extremely relevant for today's economic climate, Love Leadership outlines Bryant's five laws of love-based leadership-Loss Creates Leaders (there can be no strength without legitimate suffering), Fear Fails (only respect and love leads to success), Love Makes Money (love is at the core of true wealth), Vulnerability is Power (when you open up to people they open up to you), and Giving is Getting (the more you offer to others, the more they will give back to you).

  • One of today's most influential leaders, Bryant has appeared on Oprah and in articles in the LA Times, NY Times, and the Wall Street Journal
  • Bryant's bold approach to leadership is well-suited for today's tough economic environment and a world gripped by fear and uncertainty
  • Outlines the innovative five laws of love-based leadership

Love Leadership is that unique and powerful book that bridges the gap between solid business advice and pure inspiration.

John Hope Bryant is a philanthropic entrepreneur and leader in the business of empowerment. He is the founder, chairman, and CEO of Operation HOPE, America's first nonprofit social investment banking organization. He is vice chair of the U.S. President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy and chairman of the Under-Served Committee for the U.S. President's Council. An internationally respected public speaker, Bryant is a Young Global Leader for the World Economic Forum and has received many awards for his work to empower low-wealth communities. For more information about John Hope Bryant and Love Leadership, visit www.JohnHopeBryant.com.

Table of Contents


Foreword (Bill George).

Introduction: From Fear to Hope.

1 Loss Creates Leaders.

2 Fear Fails.

3 Love Makes Money.

4 Vulnerability Is Power.

5 Giving Is Getting.

Conclusion: Good Capitalism and Love Leadership.

List of Interviewees.



About the Author.


224 pages , Hardcover

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