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wydawnictwo: CENGAGE LEARNING , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 311.80 Twoja cena  296,21 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

USING FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING INFORMATION, 7E, is a non-debit/credit text known for its strong decision-making focus, its incorporation of flagship companies for increased relevance, and the quality of its end of chapter materials. The user-friendly presentation and innovative transaction analysis of the new edition ensures users master financial accounting concepts and the role of those concepts in business decision making. This edition includes a discussion of the current environment of financial reporting, specifically the International Financial Reporting Standards.

Table of Contents

1. Accounting as a Form of Communication.
2. Financial Statements and the Annual Report.
3. Processing Accounting Information.
4. Income Measurement and Accrual Accounting.
5. Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold.
6. Cash and Internal Control.
7. Receivables and Investments
8. Operating Assets: Property, Plant, and Equipment and Intangibles.
9. Current Liabilities, Contingencies, and the Time Value of Money.
10. Long-Term Liabilities.
11. Stockholders' Equity.
12. The Statement of Cash Flows.
13. Financial Statement Analysis.
Appendix A: International Financial Reporting Standards
Appendix B: Excerpts from Kellogg's 2008 Annual Report.
Appendix C: Excerpts from General Mills's 2008 Annual Report. Glossary. Index.

696 pages, Paperback

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