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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 350.00 Twoja cena  332,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Exploring the development of the European Union and the ways in which it has been studied over fifty years, this book draws on contributions by some of the worlds leading scholars in the field, it maps the past and present of both the EU and EU studies, before setting out a provocative agenda for future work in the area.

DAVID PHINNEMORE is Senior Lecturer in European Integration, and Jean Monnet Chair in European Political Science at Queens University Belfast, UK. He is co-author of Roman and the European Union: From Marginalisation to Membership and Understanding the European Constitution, and editor of The EU and Romania.

ALEX WARLEIGH-LACK is Professor of Politics and International Relations at Brunel University, UK. He is also Chair of UACES, the University Association for Contemporary European Studies.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction David Phinnemore Phinnemore, David Alex Warleigh-Lack Warleigh-Lack, Alex

Pt. 1 European Integration from the EEC'S Founding to the Present

2 Some Reflections on Fifty Years of Experience since the Signature of the Treaties of Rome Helen Wallace Wallace, Helen

3 Bringing People and Ideas Back In: Historical Research on the European Union Wolfram Kaiser Kaiser, Wolfram

Pt. II Institutional and Policy Developments

4 The Heroic Age of European Integration is Over: Institutional and Policy Developments, 1957-2007 Mark A. Pollack Pollack, Mark A. Molly A. Ruhlman Ruhlman, Molly A.

5 The Role of the European Council in Institutional and Policy Developments in the European Union Poul S. Christoffersen Christoffersen, Poul S.

6 Fairy Tale of Luxembourg? Reflections on Law and Legal Scholarship in European Integration Jo Hunt Hunt, Jo Jo Shaw Shaw, Jo

7 Institutional and Policy Analysis in the European Union: from the Treaty of Rome to the Present Simon Bulmer Bulmer, Simon

Pt. III Tough and Challenging Journeys

8 The International Impact of European Integration: Key Events, Players and Trends Jolyon Howorth Howorth, Jolyon

9 Fifty Years of Economic and Monetary Union: A Hard and Thorny Journey Kenneth Dyson Dyson, Kenneth

Pt. IV European Integration and the Member States

10 One Union, One Story? In Praise of Europe's Narrative Diversity Kalypso Nicolaidis Nicolaidis, Kalypso Janie Pelabay Pelabay, Janie

11 The EU and Its Member-States: From Bottom Up to Top Down Vivien Schmidt Schmidt, Vivien

12 Conclusion: Reflections on the Past and Future of European Union Studies Alex Warleigh-Lack Warleigh-Lack, Alex David PhinnemorePhinnemore, David



256 pages, Hardcover

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