Putting the Public Back in Public Relations
How Social Media Is Reinventing the Aging Business of PR
Breakthrough Web PR 2.0 Strategies and Tactics That Work
Forget the pitch: Yesterday’s PR techniques just don’t work anymore. That’s the
bad news. Here’s the great news: Social Media and Web 2.0 offer you an unprecedented
opportunity to make PR succeed more powerfully than ever before. This book shows how to
reinvent PR around two-way conversations with traditional and new influencers, bring the
“public” back into public relations—and earn a new level of results that just
wasn’t possible before now.
Drawing on their unparalleled experience making Social Media work for business, PR 2.0
blogger Brian Solis and industry leader Deirdre Breakenridge show how to transform the way
you think, plan, prioritize, and deliver PR services. You’ll learn new ways to build the
relationships that matter, and reach a new generation of influencers…leverage platforms
ranging from Twitter to Facebook…truly embed yourself in the communities that are
shaping the future.
Along the way, you’ll learn how to stop being a “publicist” or mere
“communicator” and become what your clients or company really need: a genuine
enthusiast for whom and what you represent.
What’s wrong with PR—and how to fix it
Leverage Social Media and Web 2.0 to reinvent PR, build meaningful and valuable
relationships, and supercharge its effectiveness
Social Media PR—a complete primer
Build blogger relationships, reinvent the press release, and make social networks the
hub of your online brands
Why it’s about sociology and anthropology—not technology
Master the art of listening and leverage today’s powerful, emerging micromedia
Real PR metrics for the Web 2.0 world
Measure the results that really matter--and demonstrate your value as never before
Brian Solis is Principal of FutureWorks, an award-winning PR and New
Media agency in Silicon Valley. One of the original thought leaders who paved the way for
Social Media and PR 2.0, Solis cofounded the Social Media Club and is a founding member of
the Media 2.0 Workgroup. He currently blogs about the evolution and future of PR and
marketing at PR 2.0 (www.briansolis.com), which is considered one of the most influential
marketing blogs in the world.
Deirdre Breakenridge is President and Director of Communications at
PFS Marketwyse, a New Jersey-based marketing communications agency. There, she leads a
creative team of PR and marketing executives strategizing to gain brand awareness for
their clients through creative and strategic PR campaigns. Also adjunct professor at
Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, NJ, she teaches courses on PR and Interactive
Marketing for the university’s Global Business Management program. She has spoken on PR,
digital marketing, and brand building for organizations ranging from the Public Relations
Society of America (PRSA) and National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) to the Strategic
Research Institute (SRI). Her books include PR 2.0, The New PR Toolkit, and Cyberbranding:
Brand Building in the Digital Economy.
Table of Contents
Foreword by Guy Kawasaki xv
Preface: The Socialization of Media and PR 2.0 xvii
Introduction: Social Media = The Reinvention of Public Relations 1
Part I The True Value of New PR
Chapter 1 What’s Wrong with PR? 7
Chapter 2 PR 2.0 vs. Public Relations 23
Chapter 3 PR 2.0 in a Web 2.0 World 37
Chapter 4 Traditional vs. New Journalism 49
Chapter 5 PR Is about Relationships 67
Part II Facilitating Conversations: New Tools and Techniques
Chapter 6 The Language of New PR 83
Chapter 7 Blogger Relations 93
Chapter 8 Social Media Releases (SMRs) 107
Chapter 9 Video News Release (VNR) 2.0 125
Chapter 10 Corporate Blogging 137
Part III Participating in Social Media
Chapter 11 Technology Does Not Override the Social Sciences 153
Chapter 12 Social Networks: The Online Hub for Your Brand 165
Chapter 13 Micromedia 177
Chapter 14 New “Marketing” Roles 187
Part IV PR 2.0: A Promising Future
Chapter 15 Community Managers and Customer Service 2.0 199
Chapter 16 Socialization of Communication and Service 213
Chapter 17 The Rules for Breaking News 231
Chapter 18 A New Guide to Metrics 247
Part V Convergence
Chapter 19 PR 2.0 + PR 1.0 = Putting the Public Back in Public Relations
Appendix A The SEC and the Importance of Recognizing Corporate Blogs as Public
Disclosure 283
Appendix B It’s Alive! 291
Index 299
352 pages, Hardcover