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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 145.00 Twoja cena  137,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Using memorable caricatures to highlight the effects of your behaviour as a leader, this book offers a powerful model for effective leadership

Are you a Badger or a Doormat? provides you with clear instructions and simple self-coaching processes which will propel you along the path to leadership success. It uses memorable caricatures to show extreme leadership styles, teaching you what behaviour to avoid and what to do more of, in an accessible and amusing way.

Throughout the book Rosie Miller, a top international executive coach, and 20 highly experienced leaders offer advice on the mindsets, habits and working practices that will make you a successful leader. This book gives you the practical and direct guidance you need to upgrade your thinking and your behaviour to become an energetic, focused and visionary leader.

The focus is on the five skills common to all the most effective leaders:

  • making the best use of your time
  • communicating effectively
  • delegating and people development
  • motivating a diverse workforce
  • creating change

Rosie Miller is a sought-after international executive coach. One of her key coaching talents is to translate complex or theoretical ideas into simple, practical actions busy people can implement.

She has 20 years’ experience advising and coaching senior executives on strategy, change, team development, communication and time management. Her clients include leaders  in organisations such as BP, GSK, Rolls-Royce, RBS Financial Markets, AIB, Shell, ESB, London Underground, Water UK, Deloittes and Cummins Engines. The high regard in which she is held by clients is reflected in the impressive group of 20 senior business and military leaders interviewed for this book.

Prior to setting up her own business, she held senior roles in the consulting arms of Ernst & Young, Roland Berger and Partners and Coopers & Lybrand. Her earlier working life in Shell and Conoco gave her direct experience of line management in major corporations.

Rosie is a highly regarded presenter of training on topics relating to personal impact and influencing for senior executives. She also contributes regular articles to a business newsletter.

Table of Contents

About the author
Chapter 1- Introduction
Chapter 2- The accessibility dilemma
Chapter 3- The communication dilemma
Chapter 4- The flexibility dilemma
Chapter 5- The delegation dilemma
Chapter 6- The change dilemma
Chapter 7- The leadership jigsaw
Chapter 8- The Inner Compass
Chapter 9 – Putting it all together

240 pages, Paperback

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