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wydawnictwo: PEARSON ED , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 170.00 Twoja cena  161,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Simple, Step-by-Step Guide to Making Profits in Volatile Markets

• Earn big returns as you systematically cherry pick the best trades while minimizing your risk

• Execute a simple trading plan that leverages your profits in volatile markets

• By the international best-selling author of Options Made Easy and The Bible of Options Strategies


Markets are more volatile than ever. That terrifies many investors. But it shouldn’t terrify you. Smart investors know how to feast on volatility. That’s because they’ve learned proven trading strategies designed specifically to profit from rapid market shifts. In Volatile Markets Made Easy, investing expert Guy Cohen teaches you exactly how to trade these strategies, using his renowned plain English!

Table of Contents

Foreword . . . xiii

Acknowledgments . . . xiv

About the Author . . . xv

Preface . . . xvii

chapter 1 Introduction to Options . . . 1

chapter 2 Trends and Flags . . . 27

chapter 3 Options and the Greeks . . . 57

chapter 4 Straddles and Strangles . . . 93

chapter 5 Ratio Backspreads . . . 135

chapter 6 Diagonal Spreads . . . 175

chapter 7 The Practical Way to Trade Volatility . . . 229

chapter 8 The Science of Volatility . . . 243

chapter 9 Trading Plans and Putting It All Together . . . 267

appendix I Strategy Table . . . 297

appendix II Glossary . . . 309

Index . . . 323

368 pages,Hardcover

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