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wydawnictwo: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN , rok wydania 2010, wydanie III

cena netto: 164.95 Twoja cena  156,70 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

States versus Markets shows that globalization is not a novel phenomenon but a recurrent process whereby markets have, since the sixteenth century, periodically redistributed economic activity.

This revised and updated new edition takes account of the new rise of Asia and the global financial crisis originating in the US housing finance system.

Table of Contents


List of Tables viii

List of Figures ix

List of Abbreviations x

Preface xi

Introduction 1

Part I States, Agriculture, and Globalization

1 The Rise of the Modern State: From Street Gangs to Mafias 11

2 States, Markets, and the Origins of International Inequality 43

3 Economic and Hegemonic Cycles 64

4 The Industrial Revolution and Late Development 79

5 Agricultural Exporters and the Search for Labor 103

6 Agriculture-Led Growth and Crisis in the Periphery: Ricardian Success, Ricardian Failure 123

7 The Collapse of the Nineteenth-Century Economy: The Erosion of Hegemony? 147

Part II The Fall and Rise and Fall Again of Globalization

8 The Depression, US Domestic Politics, and the Foundation of the Post-World War II System 177

9 International Money, Capital Flows, and Domestic Politics 198

10 Transnational Firms: A War of All against All 219

11 Industrialization in the Old Agricultural Periphery: The Rise of the Newly Industrialized Countries 236

12 Trade, Protection, and Renewed Globalization 263

13 US Hegemony: Declining from Below? 282

14 US Hegemony and Global Stability: Reviving or Declining from the Top Down? 302

Bibliography 323

Index 339

368 pages, Paperback

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