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wydawnictwo: C.H.BECK , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 74.00 Twoja cena  70,30 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This book contains a fundamental compendium of knowledge of the most important Polish administrative law institutions.

The concept for its construction and the outline of its contents were created while the author was teaching at Warsaw University. It fulfills the requirement for the plain transmission of legal content for audiences other than Polish law students. The main aim of the book is to acquaint English-speaking students with the basic institutions of Polish political (organizational) administrative law.

From the review:

 (...) It is a compendium of information about doctrinal bases and institutions of the Polish administrative law.

It is intended for English-language readers (non-Polish), studying or practicing the Polish administrative law. The book is certainly worth publishing and, in consequence, should soon be made available in this form to all concerned with the subject (...).

Prof. dr hab. Hubert Izdebski  

Director of the Institute of Theory of State and Law in the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Warsaw Universit

List of abbreviations
Author’s note
American Journal Experts Editorial Certification

PART I Basic Definitions in Polish Administrative Law and Juristic Doctrine

Chapter 1 Polish Public Administration
1.1 The term ‘Administration’
1.2 Features and functions of public administration
1.3 Classification of public administration in reference to its function

Chapter 2 Administrative Law and Its Position in the Polish System of Law
2.1 The definition of ‘law’ – a theoretical approach
2.2 Administrative law and its position in the system of law
2.3 Features of administrative law
2.4 Systematics of administrative law
2.5 Division of administrative law based on types of norms
2.6 Other divisions of administrative law
2.7 Administrative law and other branches of law
2.8 Administrative sanction

Chapter 3 Selected Theoretical Institutions of Administrative Law
3.1 Administrative legal situation
3.2 Administrative legal relationship (legal relations between entities)
3.3 Administrative power
3.4 Public domain and property
3.5 Administrative discretionary power
3.6 Selected principles of administrative law

Chapter 4 Sources of Administrative Law
4.1 General remarks
4.2 Normative acts (laws and other norm-setting acts)

PART II System of Administrative Authorities

Chapter 5 Authorities and the Basic Institutions of Politico-Organizational Administrative Law
5.1 General remarks
5.2 The territorial division of Poland
5.3 The concepts of ‘public body’, office and legal competence
5.4 Classification of public administration bodies
5.5 Rules of dependency concerning the structure of public bodies

Chapter 6 Structure of Executive Public Administration
6.1 Central administration
6.2 Territorial-governmental state administration
6.3 Local Government
6.4 Professional and other special associations
6.5 Other entities perfoming public tasks and functions
6.7 Employees of the State administration and the civil service

PART III Some Preliminary Information on Administrative Acts and Other Activities of Administrative Authorities

Chapter 7 General Remarks on Legal Forms of Public Administration Activity
7.1 General remarks
7.2 Detailed division of the legal forms of public administration activity

Chapter 8 Administrative Act – Selected Problems
8.1 General remarks
8.2 Exemplary forms of administrative acts
8.3 Other legal forms of administration activity

Chapter 9 Inspection and Supervision as Forms of Controlling Activity in Public administration
9.1 General remarks
9.2 The term and aim of inspection
9.3 The definition of supervision
9.4 Public bodies that execute controlling functions in Poland

Short Polish-English dictionary of the words phrases proposed in the book

164 pages , Paperback

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