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Use Blogging to Supercharge Sales, Customer Loyalty, Innovation, and Profits

Blogging can help you deepen customer loyalty, reach new customers, gain indispensable feedback, and drive more sales. This no-nonsense guide shows how to craft a business blog that does all that, and more–building your business and increasing your profits. Top e-marketers and business bloggers Eric Butow and Rebecca Bollwitt help you define clear goals, generate the right content with the right tools, attract visitors, build communities, and avoid costly mistakes. They draw on their own extensive experience, as well as the work of innovators from companies such as Intel, Wal-Mart, Google, HP, and BusinessWeek. Whatever your role in the business, you’ll learn how to:

• Launch a blog that truly represents the best of your business

• Create a comprehensive, long-term blogging strategy

• Staff your blogging initiative

• Integrate blogs with other offline and online marketing programs

• Use your blog to drive customers and prospects to the business

• Push up-to-the-minute information to customers via RSS

• Build a thriving online community–and learn from what it tells you

• Manage comments (and decide whether to have them)

• Utilize podcasts, vlogs, microblogging, and other new techniques

• Gain business value from hot new Web 3.0 technologies, including widgets, mashups, personal agents, and the Semantic Web

Eric Butow is CEO of Butow Communications Group (BCG), a Web design and online marketing firm in Jackson, California. Eric has written a wide variety of computing books since 2000, and his latest titles include User Interface Design for Mere Mortals, How to Succeed in Business Using LinkedIn, as well as custom For Dummies titles for F5 Networks and Hewlett-Packard. When Eric isn’t writing or running his business, you’ll catch him reading and enjoying the weather of the Sierra foothills.

Rebecca Bollwitt is the co-founder of sixty4media, which specializes in WordPress design and development as well as social media consulting in Vancouver, British Columbia. Rebecca has been blogging since 2004 on Miss604.com, and podcasting about music and hockey since 2005.Miss604.com was voted “Best Vancouver Blog” of 2009 in The Georgia Straight and in 2008, she was listed within the top ten “Most Influential in Canadian Social Media” by Profectio.com. She has organized social media conferences and charity fundraisers, including Blogathon Vancouver, Twestival Local, and the Best of 604 Awards.

Table of Contents


Introduction  1

How This Book Is Organized  2

Conventions Used in This Book  3

Web Pages  3

Special Elements  3

There’s More Online  4

1  Why Are Blogs So Important?  5

Media Growth Is in One Area: Online  6

Get the Message Out  6

Blog Popularity  8

Hello,World!  8

Promote Products and Services  10

Reach People  12

Keep Pushing Content  13

Drive People to the Blog  13

Crowdsourcing  13

Case Studies: Intel and Adidas  15

Intel Inside Scoop Blog  15

Adidas Soccer MySpace Blog  17

Summary  21

2  Leveraging Your Blog with Marketing Tools  23

Online Marketing  24

Web Site  24

E-Mail Marketing  24

More Work… and Potential Solutions  25

Offline Marketing  29

Pushing Information via RSS  31

Getting Customers to Subscribe  33

Taking Care of Your Readers  33

Case Studies  34

City of Arvada  34

The Sacramento Bee  36

Summary  38

3  Creating a Blogging Strategy  39

Blogging Platforms  40

WordPress.com  40

TypePad  42

Vox  44

Blogger  44

LiveJournal  45

Blog Software  46

Finding the Blog Best for Your Business  49

Vlogs  49

Photoblogs  50

Podcast Blogs  51

Tumblelogs  52

Microblogs  53

Moblogs  55

Combining Blogs with Other Networking Sites  56

MySpace  56

Facebook  57

LinkedIn  58

Twitter  59

Case Studies  60

BusinessWeek  60

KCBS Radio, San Francisco  62

Summary  64

4  Blogging Responsibly  65

Listen to Your Audience  66

Two-Way Discussions  66

Listening by Sharing  67

Tools to Help You Listen  69

Comments and Responding to Them  74

Comment Forms  74

When to Moderate Comments  74

Negative Feedback Can Help You Grow  76

Dealing with Negative Feedback  77

Case Study: Molson Coors Brewing Company  78

Summary  81

5  Finding Topics to Write About  83

Writing Blogs for the Wider World  84

Creating an Industry Resource Blog  84

Create an Online Community  86

Case Study: Canucks Fan Zone  88

Creating an Internal Blog (or Blogs) for Your Company  90

Keep People Informed  90

Internal Blogs for Project Management  91

Product Blog (External)  92

Summary  94

6  Who Will Write the Blog?  95

Writing from Within a Company  96

Identifying Authors  96

Client Services and Tech Support  99

Authentic Content  101

Hiring a Blogger   102

Tips for Hiring a Blogger  102

Hiring a Blogger from Your Industry  103

Create a Blogging Position  104

Case Study: Linda Bustos: An Elastic Blog from Elastic Path  107

Summary  110

7  Getting Eyeballs to Your Blog  111

Writing Effectively  112

Editing for Word Count and Brevity  112

Be Human  114

Be Readable  115

Design  116

Reading Blogs Helps You Write Blogs  117

Commenting: More than Leaving a Calling Card  117

Blogger Outreach  118

Linking Out to Get Incoming Links  119

Search Engine Optimization  120

Blogrolls  120

Linking to Other Blog Posts  121

Write Interesting Content  122

Highlight Industry Players  122

Company Profiles  124

Case Study: Vancouver Opera  125

Being Searchable  126

Check Your Current Rank  127

Clean URLs  128

Keywords and Tags  128

Promotion  129

Social Media Networks  129

Announcing Your Blog Launch to Other

Communities  129

Target Your Newsletter Members  130

Press Releases  130

Summary  131

8  Getting Interactive with Multimedia Blogging  133

Offering Multiple Forms of Content  134

Content for All  134

Private or Members-Only Content  141

Podcasting  142

Screencasts  146

Case Study: Blendtec  147

Summary  150

9  Taking Advantage of Web  3.0 Blogs  151

An Overview of Web  3.0 Technologies  153

Wikipedia  154

APIs and Widgets  155

Mash It Up!  156

Integrating Semantic Technologies  158

Make Agents Work for Your Blog  159

Case Study: UrbanSpoon.com  160

Summary  162

A  Important Blogging Sites  163

Technorati  164

News Aggregators  164

Podcatchers  166

Ping Search Engines  167

Want to Advertise on Blogs?  167

Getting More Blog Traffic  169

Software as a Service Product  171

Index  175

192 pages, Paperback

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