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wydawnictwo: OXFORD UNIVERSITY , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 145.80 Twoja cena  138,51 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Wolfgang Streeck is a leading figure in comparative political economy and institutional theory. In this book he addresses some of the key issues in this field: the role of history in institutional analysis, the dynamics of slow institutional change, the limitations of rational design and economic-functionalist explanations of institutional stability, and the recurrent difficulties of restraining the effects of capitalism on social order.

In the classification of the "Varieties of Capitalism" school, Germany has always been taken as the chief exemplar of a "European", coordinated market economy. Streeck explores to what extent Germany actually conforms to this description. His argument is supported by original empirical research on wage-setting and wage structure, the organization of business and labor in business associations and trade unions, social policy, public finance, and corporate governance. From this evidence, Bringing Capitalism Back In traces the current liberalization of the postwar economy of democratic capitalism by means of an historically-grounded approach to institutional change.

This is an important book from a leading thinker and researcher in comparative political economy and key reading across the social sciences for academics, researchers, and advanced students of Political Economy, Sociology, comparative business systems.

Table of contents

Introduction: Institutional Change, Capitalist Development

Part I: Gradual Change: Five Sectoral Trajectories
1: Five Sectors
2: Industry-wide Collective Bargaining: Shrinking Core, Expanding Fringes
3: Intermediary Organization: Declining Membership, Rising Tensions
4: Social Policy: The Rise and Fall of Welfare Corporatism
5: Public Finance: The Fiscal Crisis of the Postwar State
6: Corporate Governance: The Decline of Germany Inc.

Part II: Systemic Change: Patterns and Causes
7: Systemic Change: Five Parallel Trajectories
8: From System to Process
9: Endogenous Change: Time, Age, and the Self-Undermining of Institutions
10: Time's Up: Positive Externalities Turning Negative

Part III: Disorganization: Bringing Capitalism Back in
11: Disorganization as Liberalization
12: Convergence, Non-convergence, Divergence
13: 'Economizing' and the Evolution of Political-Economic Institutions
14: Internationalization
15: German Unification
16: History
17: Bringing Capitalism Back In

320 pages , Paperback

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