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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2010, wydanie III

cena netto: 280.00 Twoja cena  266,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Leadership Communication is a text to guide current and potential leaders in developing the communication capabilities needed to be transformational leaders.

It brings together managerial communication and concepts of emotional intelligence to create a new model of communication skills and strategies for corporate leaders. The Third Edition of Leadership Communication has been updated and changed specifically to emphasize transformational leadership, ethics, and integrity and to include guidance on the use of current social media

Table of Contents

Section One . Core Leadership Communication

Chapter 1 . What is Leadership Communication.
Identifying Leadership
Connecting Leadership to Communication
Applying the Leadership Communication Framework
Projecting a Positive Leadership Ethos
Connecting Ethos and Ethics
Chapter 2 . Leadership Communication Purpose, Strategy, and Structure
Establishing a Clear Purpose
Determining Communication Strategy
Analyzing Audiences
Organizing Communication Effectively
Chapter 3 . The Language of Leaders
Achieving a Positive Ethos through Tone and Style
Communicating Concisely
Writing for Social Media: Additional Considerations
Following the Language Rules that Matter
Editing and Proofreading Techniques
Making Computers Work for You
Chapter 4 . Written Leadership Communication
Selecting the Most Effective Communication Medium
Creating Individual and Team Written Communication
Interacting with Social Media
Organizing the Content Coherently
Conforming to Expectations in Correspondence
Including Expected Content in Reports
Formatting Written Communication Effectively
Chapter 5 .Leadership Presentations
Planning a Presentation
Preparing a Presentation to Achieve the Greatest Impact
Presenting Effectively and with Greater Confidence
Overall Effect
Chapter 6 . Graphics and PowerPoint with a Leadership Edge
Recognizing When to Use Graphics
Employing Fundamental Graphic Content and Design Principles
Selecting and Designing Effective Data Charts
Creating Meaningful and Effective Text Layouts
Making the Most of PowerPoint as a Design and Presentation Tool

Section Two . Organizational Leadership Communication

Chapter 7 . Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Skills for Leaders
Appreciating the Value of Emotional Intelligence
Increasing Own Self-Awareness
Improving Nonverbal Skills
Improving Listening Skills
Chapter 8 .Cultural Literacy and Cross-Cultural Leadership Communication
Defining Culture
Recognizing Major Cultural Differences
Connecting and Communicating Across Cultures
Chapter 9 . Meetings: Leadership and Productivity
Deciding When a Meeting is the Best Forum
Completing the Essential Planning
Conducting a Productive Meeting
Managing Meeting Problems and Conflict
Ensuring Meetings Lead to Action
Chapter 10 . High-Performing Team Leadership
Building an Effective Team
Establishing the Necessary Team Work Processes
Managing the People Side of Teams
Handling Team Issues and Conflict
Helping Virtual Teams Succeed

Section Three . Corporate Leadership Communication

Chapter 11 . Leadership through Strategic Internal Communication
Recognizing the Strategic and Cultural Role of Employee Communication
Establishing Effective Internal Communication
Assessing Employee Communication Effectiveness
Using Missions and Visions to Strengthen Internal Communication
Designing and Implementing Effective Change Communication
Chapter 12 . Leadership through Effective External Relations
Developing an External Relations Strategy
Building and Maintaining a Positive Corporate Image
Working with the News Media
Handling Crisis Communications

A . Self-Assessment of Leadership Communication Ability Worksheet to Develop Personal Leadership Communication Plan
B . The Business of Grammar
C . Usage Self-Assessment
D . Successful Case Analysis and Discussion

416 pages, Paperback

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