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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 160.00 Twoja cena  152,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Legendary investing author and philosopher Benjamin Graham lived through interesting times. Soon after his graduation from Columbia College, the nation entered the First World War. As the stock market fluctuated in wild dips and peaks, the government seized control of the railroad industry, inflation and interest rates rose dramatically, and economic depression loomed on the horizon.

During these events and perhaps inspired by them Graham began writing articles for The Magazine of Wall Street, putting to paper his earliest ideas on value investing and security analysis.

For the first time, these important works have been anthologized into a single volume. Benjamin Graham on Investing is a treasure trove of rare and out-of-print articles that document the early flashes of genius from a man whose ideas and theories would revolutionize investment philosophy and inspire the careers of such luminaries as Warren Buffett, Seth Klarman, Charlie Munger, and countless other top-tier investors.

The early works of Benjamin Graham have never been as relevant as they are today. The world?s markets are undergoing changeon a scale not unlike that of Graham?s era. David Darst, one of the world?s most respected experts on asset allocation, provides insightful analyses connecting Graham?s articles to events today.

Table of Contents

Curiosities of the Bond List, 9/1917
Valuation Great Nothern Oil Certificates, 9/1917
Inspiration Copper Value, 4/1918
Nevada Consolidated 5/1918
Rock Island vs. Missouri Pacific, 5/1918
Cash Position with Industrials, 7/1918
Secrets of Invested Capital, 8/1918
Great Steel Tax Mystery 9/1918
American Agriculture and Virginia Caroline, 9/1918
Sad Case of MK&T Bonds, 10/1918
Attractive Peace Bonds, 10/1918
Safe Investments with High Yields 11/1918
Hidden Assets of Consolidated Gas 12/1918
Bargain Hunting Through Bond List, 1/1919
B&O for C&O, 2/1919
Where War Earnings Have Gone 3/1919
Attractive Industrial Preferred Stocks 4/1919
A Profitable Switch to Stocks 5/1919
Coal Situation and Coal Stocks 7/1919
Strategic Switches in Railroad Issues 8/1919
Art of Hedging 2/1920
Which is the Best Sugar Stock? 4/1920
The Collapse of American International 12/1920
Reading Railroad, 10/1923
Reading the Market's Sleeping Beauty 11/1924
Simple Tests for Determining Value of Railroad Preferred Stocks 12/1924
Diversified List of Low Priced Stocks 1/25
Van Sweringen Scheme 3/1926
The Reorganizing of St. Paul
Van Sweringen Scheme 1/1927
Riddle of US Steel's Book Value 7/1926
Mr. Shareholder, Do You Know When Periodic Stock Dividends Help and When They Hurt You? 9/1926
New Era of Discrimination in Selection of Securities 1/1927

400 pages, Hardcover

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