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wydawnictwo: WILEY-BLACKWELL , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

cena netto: 135.00 Twoja cena  128,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Written by leading scholars in the field, Causes of War provides the first comprehensive analysis of the leading theories relating to the origins of both interstate and civil wars.

  • Utilizes historical examples to illustrate individual theories throughout
  • Includes an analysis of theories of civil wars as well as interstate wars -- one of the only texts to do both
  • Written by two former International Studies Association Presidents

Jack S. Levy is Board of Governors Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University. He is a former President of the International Studies Association (2007–8) and of the Peace Science Society (2005–6). His research focuses on the causes of war and on foreign policy decision-making.

William R. Thompson is Rogers Professor of Political Science at Indiana University and Managing Editor of International Studies Quarterly. He is a former President of the International Studies Association (2005–6). His ongoing research focuses on conflict and long-term international political economy.

Table of Contents


1. Introduction to the Study of War.

2. System-Level Theories.

3. The Dyadic Interactions of States.

4. The State and Societal Level.

5. Decision-Making: The Individual Level.

6. Decision-Making: The Organizational Level.

7. Civil War.

8. Conclusion: Reflections on Levels, Causes, and War.



288 pages, Paperback

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