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wydawnictwo: TRADERS PRESS , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

cena netto: 120.00 Twoja cena  114,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

For many years I have heard how valuable the work of J.M. Hurst has proven to those interested in the use of cycles in the pursuit of market profits. Many Traders Press customers have advised me how valuable any material would prove to them that would shed any additional light on the work of Hurst. It is with great pride that we present the work of Brian Millard, Channels and Cycles, which clarifies the original work of Hurst as well as updating it and bringing it forward to the present time. Millard, like other market technicians such as Jim Tillman and Peter Eliades, found the work of Hurst of such seminal importance in influencing his approach to market analysis that it became the cornerstone of his methodology.


It is hoped that this work will prove valuable to the members of the investment comunity who are interested in the application of cycles and the work of Hurst. 255 pages.

It should also be noted that Traders Press has recently reprinted the full-fledged training course on cycles authored by J.M. Hurst. This extensive course, which consists of 10 lessons encompassing nearly 1,600 pages (including hundreds of 11x17 foldout charts) and 11 audio tapes, is the most comprehensive and practical material available anywhere for those interested in understanding how to use cycles to their benefit in investing and trading. It shows how to actually apply Hurst's methods to actual trading situations, including actual buying and selling rules and applications. A fuller description of this course is available by clicking here: J.M. Hurst Training Course, and is available exclusively through Traders Press.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Money Management and Other Disciplines
Chapter 2: The Importance of the Trading Interval
Chapter 3: How Prices Move
Chapter 4: Trend Within Trends
Chapter 5: Graphical Channel Analysis--The Basics
Chapter 6: Graphical Channel Analysis--Applications
Chapter 7: Numerical Analysis--The Basics
Chapter 8: Numerical Analysis--More About Cycles
Chapter 9: Applications of Numerical Analysis
Chapter 10: Channel Turning Points

255 pages, Softcover

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