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wydawnictwo: CIM , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 200.00 Twoja cena  190,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

BH CIM Coursebooks are crammed with a range of learning objective questions, activities, definitions and summaries to support and test your understanding of the theory. The 07/08 editions contains new case studies which help keep the student up to date with changes in Marketing Communication strategies. Carefully structured to link directly to the CIM syllabus, this Coursebook is user-friendly, interactive and relevant. Each Coursebook is accompanied by access to MARKETINGONLINE (www.marketingonline.co.uk), a unique online learning resource designed specifically for CIM students which can be accessed at any time.

Chris Fill, CIM Senior Examiner for the Marketing Communications module; Director of Studies: Marketing Programmes, University of Portsmouth; and former CIM Senior Examiner for the Integrated Marketing Communications module.
Graham Hughes, MA, MCIM Chartered Marketer, CIM Senior Examiner for the Integrated Marketing Communications Module, and Principal Lecturer in Marketing, Leeds Business School.

Marketing Communications Industry;
Marketing Channels;
Relationships and Marketing Communications;
Communication Strategies and Planning;
Evaluating Communications Effectiveness

Paperback, 336 pages

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