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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

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As an HR manager, you're expected to use financial data to make decisions, allocate resources, and budget expenses. But if you're like many human resource practitioners, you may feel uncertain or uncomfortable incorporating financial numbers into your day-to-day work.
In Financial Intelligence for HR Professionals, Karen Berman and Joe Knight tailor the groundbreaking work they introduced in their book Financial Intelligence: A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Meanto present the essentials of finance specifically for HR experts.

Drawing on their work training tens of thousands of managers and employees at leading organizations worldwide, Berman and Knight provide you with a deep understanding of the basics of financial management and measurement, along with hands-on activities to practice what you are reading.

Table of Contents

Preface: What is Financial Intelligence? xi

PART ONE The Art Of Finance (and why it matters)
1. You Can?t Always Trust the Numbers
2. Spotting Assumptions, Estimates, and Biases
3. Why Increase Your Financial Intelligence?
Part One Toolbox

PART TWO The (Many) Peculiarities Of The Income Statement
4. Profit Is an Estimate
5. Cracking the Code of the Income Statement
6. Revenue: The Issue Is Recognition
7. Costs and Expenses: No Hard-and-Fast Rules
8. The Many Forms of Profit
Part Two Toolbox

PART THREE The Balance Sheet Reveals The Most
9. Understanding Balance Sheet Basics
10. Assets: More Estimates and Assumptions (Except for Cash)
11. On the Other Side: Liabilities and Equity
12. Why the Balance Sheet Balances
13. The Income Statement Affects the Balance Sheet
Part Three Toolbox

PART FOUR Cash Is King
14. Cash Is a Reality Check
15. Profit ? Cash (And You Need Both)
16. The Language of Cash Flow
17. How Cash Connects with Everything Else
18. Why Cash Matters
Part Four Toolbox

PART FIVE RATIOS: Learning What the Numbers Are Really Telling You
19. The Power of Ratios
20. Profitability Ratios: The Higher the Better (Mostly)
21. Leverage Ratios: The Balancing Act
22. Liquidity Ratios: Can We Pay Our Bills?
23. Efficiency Ratios: Making the Most of Your Assets
Part Five Toolbox

PART SIX How to Calculate (and Really Understand) Return on Investment
24. The Building Blocks of ROI
25. Figuring ROI: The Nitty-Gritty
Part Six Toolbox

PART SEVEN Applied Financial Intelligence: Working Capital Management
26. The Magic of Managing the Balance Sheet
27. Your Balance Sheet Levers
28. Homing In on Cash Conversion
Part Seven Toolbox

PART EIGHT Creating A Financially Intelligent Department (And Organization)
29. Financial Literacy and Corporate Performance
30. Financial Literacy Strategies
Appendix: Putting it into Practice
About the Authors

320 pages, paperback

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