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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2008, wydanie II

cena netto: 90.00 Twoja cena  85,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

For nearly half a century, Peter Drucker inspired and educated managers--and powerfully shaped the nature of business--with his landmark articles in Harvard Business Review. Here, framed by a thoughtful introduction from HBR editor Thomas A. Stewart, is a priceless collection of Drucker's most significant work.

Through his unique lens, Drucker traces the evolution of the great shifts in organizations and the role of managers in the ongoing effort to balance change with continuity. He paints a clear, comprehensive picture of management thinking and practice--as it was and as it will be.

Revealing a celebrated thinker at his best, Classic Drucker offers a wealth of insights and practical guidelines for managers seeking to address today?s thorniest organizational challenges. For example, you'll find selections on how to enhance your company's innovative prowess, make effective decisions, raise knowledge workers' productivity, remain engaged and productive during a long work life, know when the assumptions on which your business was founded must change, and get the data you need to execute your company's competitive strategy.

Doing what's right for your company will always be challenging. But thanks to the clear focus, broad vision, and practical wisdom of Peter Drucker, the task is now a little less daunting.

Table of Contents

Written by Thomas A. Stewart

Part I: The Manager's Responsibilities
Managing Oneself
The Theory of the Business
The Effective Decision
They're Not Employees, They're People
How to Make People Decisions
The Discipline of Innovation
Managing for Business Effectiveness

Part II: The Executive's World
The Information Executives Truly Need
What Makes an Effective Executive
The Coming of the New Organization
The New Society of Organizations
The New Productivity Challenge
What Business Can Learn from Nonprofits
Management and the World's Work

The Post-Capitalist Executive:
An Interview with Peter F. Drucker
T. George Harris Index

240 pages, paperback

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