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wydawnictwo: VIKING ADULT , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 95.00 Twoja cena  90,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

"Local Heroes" relates the extraordinary evolution of Loch Fyne Oysters, the highly successful and environmentally pioneering seafood company from the west coast of Scotland. A remarkably eloquent and inspiring read, it describes how two men from entirely different walks of life founded and built the company, and how the employee buy-out transpired and developed. The founding partners were Johnny Noble, an extrovert estate-owner drowning in debt, and Andy Lane, a marine biologist who was committed to environmentalism from the age of eight .

The sudden death of Noble precipitated four bids from large companies keen to acquire the brand, but in 2003 an all-employee buyout fought off the would-be 'predators', then faced the challenging but energising process of managing an employee-owned company.

256 pages, hardback

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