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wydawnictwo: WILEY , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 130.00 Twoja cena  123,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Jay Heyman's "All You Need Is a Good Idea!" shows small business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers how to create strong marketing and advertising ideas that increase sales dramatically without having to invent new products, increase sales forces, or find new distribution channels. This insightful resource will help any business, no matter the size, learn how to stand out in the marketplace, build bigger market share, garner high-exposure publicity, appear larger than they really are, and make their competition nervous.Informal, relaxed, yet extremely practical, "All You Need Is a Good Idea!" coaches and instructs readers with a simple, easy-to-follow style that stresses creativity. It provides unique, hands-on guidance, from generating the first fuzzy notion to perfecting the final idea, and includes real-world examples of actual marketing campaigns.

For business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers who want real bang for the buck, Heyman presents the ins and outs of creating truly effective, powerful advertising and marketing.

Readership: Professional & Vocational

272 pages, hardback

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