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wydawnictwo: ELSEVIER , rok wydania 2008, wydanie I

cena netto: 250.00 Twoja cena  237,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

CIMA EXAM PRACTICE KITS ARE THE ONLY PRACTICE MATERIALS ENDORSED BY CIMA Fully updated to meet the demands of the certificate syllabus the CIMA Official Exam Practice Kit contains a bank of questions to help you prepare for the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting computer based assessment. Supplementing the Official Learning System this Exam Practice Kit focuses purely on applying what has been learned to pass the exam. It is ideal for independent study or tutored revision courses, helping you to prepare with confidence for exam day and pass the new syllabus first time. The

CIMA Exam Practice Kit includes: - Exam standard multiple choice questions - detailed explanations or calculations for each answer, showing why the answer is correct - Type and weighting of questions match the format of the exam - Includes CBA style mock paper - designed to follow structure of the CIMA learning systems and CIMA?s learning outcomes OFFICIALLY BY CIMA AND WRITTEN BY LEADING CIMA TUTORS, THE EXAM PRACTICE KITS PROVIDE A VALUABLE INSIGHT ON HOW TO SCORE TOP MARKS

286 pages, paperback

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