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Corporate Religion, 1/e

Jesper Kunde
Published April 2000 by PTR (ECS Professional)

Copyright 2000, 288 pp. Cloth ISBN 0-273-64380-0

Table of Contents
1. Corporate Religion - the essence.
Corporate Religion - a coherent description of the company. Harmony and penetration power. Find the right formula. Becoming a Brand Religion. No Brand Religion without Corporate Religion. Case study: Harley-lu jah (Harley-Davidson). Case study: The name is Bran(d)son (Virgin).

2. International chaos.
Market adjustment makes a virtue out of weakness. The need for spiritual management. Companies must have a corporate religion. Why is "spiritual" management necessary? Trend 1: The movement from national to international companies. Trend 2: The movement from product to concept. Trend 3: Product life cycles are shortening. Trend 4: Quicker reaction to changes. Trend 5: The movement from one brand to multiple brands. The company behind the brand.

3. Brand Religion.
A strong market position is the key to the future. Brand Values. High involvement is the key to Brand Value. Brand positions. Case study: The businessman's airline (SAS). Brand building. Case study: Show business (Worldwide Brands Inc.) The brand band. Case study: Star Wars (Adidas/Nike). Case study: "Waiter, a T-shirt, please!" (Hard Rock Cafe).

4. Corporate Religion.
A strong brand requires a strong organisation. You don't get belief out of a slot machine. Spiritual management. Case study: Religious leadership (Microsoft). Corporate Religion - value based growth management. Product. Mission. Vision. Corporate Religion. Development of a Corporate Religion. System. Commitment. Action. Case study: Paradise regained - perhaps (IBM). Corporate Religion can focus all types of companies. Case study: Music to the ears (Oticon). Corporate Religion in consumer-oriented companies. Case study: The Body Shop creed. The threat from large subsidiaries. Case study: Consistent values consummate success (The Walt Disney Company).

5. Commitment and action.
Commitment. Education as a commitment creator in business-to-business companies. Case study: Coffee religion (Starbucks). Everyone can be educated. Case study: Educating Ole (McDonald's). The interaction between commitment and Corporate Religion. Action. Case study: The Japanese boomerang (Toyota). Control of campaign and sales activities. Action requires good planning.

6. Consequences for the organisation.
Reuniting the power centre and the consumer. Making the non-homogeneous international company homogeneous. Corporate Religion requires a complete new organisation. Different stages of development. The religious focus. New organisational thinking.

7. Consequences for top management.
Spiritual focus. Spiritual management with the founder as leader. Spiritual management in companies with second generation management. Corporate Religion requires a very strong management. Corporate Religion requires a visible management. Corporate Religion implies a new type of leader. The leader of the future must stand at the front. System for supervising the global market.

8. Implementing a Corporate Religion.
Internal analysis of the company's product programme. Analysis of brand values in selected markets. Assessing the brand's business opportunities. Developing the Corporate Concept. A total description of the company. Defining the Corporate Religion and the system set-up to ensure commitment and action. Trials in selected test markets. Adjusting the concept and the religion. Dismantling the old international organisation. Changing the organisation simultaneously. The religion must be impressed on everybody right from the start. The religion is established within a year. The corporate religion driven company is always evolving. And the future?

9. Epilogue.25l.
Introduction to the epilogue. Major marketing tasks. Fixed budgets. The international dimension. Strong market positions. Integrating specialist competencies. The total communication agency. Creative chaos. A special culture. The representative group. Finding the future in the past. The total description. Nurture your Corporate Religion. Take care of the family.


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