About this book
This encyclopedic, detailed exposition spans all the steps of one-period allocation
from the foundations to the most advanced developments.
Multivariate estimation methods are analyzed in depth, including non-parametric,
maximum-likelihood under non-normal hypotheses, shrinkage, robust, and very general
Bayesian techniques. Evaluation methods such as stochastic dominance, expected utility,
value at risk and coherent measures are thoroughly discussed in a unified setting and
applied in a variety of contexts, including prospect theory, total return and benchmark
Portfolio optimization is presented with emphasis on estimation risk, which is tackled
by means of Bayesian, resampling and robust optimization techniques.
All the statistical and mathematical tools, such as copulas, location-dispersion
ellipsoids, matrix-variate distributions, cone programming, are introduced from the
basics. Comprehension is supported by a large number of figures and examples, as well as
real trading and asset management case studies.
At symmys.com the reader will find freely downloadable complementary materials: the
Exercise Book; a set of thoroughly documented MATLAB applications; and the Technical
Appendices with all the proofs. More materials and complete reviews can also be found at
Written for:
Quantitative portfolio managers, graduate and undergraduate students in finance,
economics, physics, statistics and mathematics
Asset allocation
Bayesian statistics
JEL classification: C1, C3, C5, C6, G0, G1
MSC (2000) 15-xx, 46-xx, 62-xx, 65-xx, 90-xx
estimation risk
performance evaluation
Table of contents
-One-dimensional Random Variables.
-Multi-dimensional Random Variables.
-Modelling the Market.
-Estimating the Invariants Distribution.
-Evaluating Allocations.
-Optimizing Allocations.
- Estimation and Optimization together.
- Appendices: Linear
- Functional Analysis.
- References.
- Index
532 pages hardcover