M.BALL,G.SMITH wydawnictwo: SAGE , rok wydania 1992, wydanie I cena netto: 140.00 Twoja cena 133,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka "The book offers communication researchers some of the best recent work on
qualitative inquiry in the human disciplines. . . . Published by Sage, the leading
publisher of qualitative research in the social sciences today. . . . [The authors]
present a germinal discussion of the limitations of the purely structural and classic
content analysis approaches to the reading of visual texts (over-emphasis on manifest
content, fragmentation, distortion of meaning). The contributions of cognitive
anthropology, ethnomethodology, and poststructuralism to this field are reviewed. This is
a valuable book. . . . This work brings the communication scholar up-to-date on where
qualitative methods are in current sociological and educational discourse."
- Norman K. Denzin in "Journal of Communication"
"A strength of the book is Chapter 2, which shows how content analysis can be
applied to visual data. The authors use two studies of fashion to clearly demonstrate the
six basic steps of quantitative content analysis and then provide a valuable explanation
of the technique's shortcomings." - Journalism Quarterly Visual methods have long
been used in ethnography, but rarely examined as a method. In "Analyzing Visual
Data", Michael S. Ball and Gregory W. H. Smith provide a basic framework for using
visual data - namely still photographs - as a tool for social analysis. They determine the
importance of theoretical assumptions in analyzing these data, and offer advice on how to
use photographs in cognitive, symbolist, and structuralist research. This compact little
volume is packed with richly illustrated examples from Native American masks to perfume
advertisements. Compact and concise, this widely accessible volume will benefit students
and professionals in sociology, anthropology, and research in communication, advertising,
popular culture, and photo journalists.
77 pages
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