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wydawnictwo: BLACKWELL , rok wydania 2005, wydanie III

cena netto: 200.00 Twoja cena  190,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The revised edition of this classic text contains discussions of the latest theoretical developments in regional economics and reviews recent changes in regional policy and institutions in the European Union. New case study material based on extensive academic research in Europe and the USA has been added throughout the book.

This book is organized in two free-standing parts examining firstly the economic analysis of regions and then regional policy issues. Topics covered include multiplier and impact analysis, input-output models, growth theory, migration, regional labour markets, regional policy in the EU, regional devolution, small firms policy, foreign direct investment and a detailed explanation of the methods used to evaluate regional policy. Chapters can be read independently in cases where focused information is required, and the organization of the book makes this a very flexible and effective resource for course use.

"The authors' careful scholarship, intellectual rigour and clear analysis of mainstream theory means that this new edition of Regional Economics and Policy will continue as a standard work for students. The book provides an excellent synthesis of theoretical and empirical work on regional economic concepts and theories, leading to clear and important lessons for policy. It successfully brings updated literature and new material to bear on the key issues in the field." Ronald McQuaid, Napier University


Part I: Regional Economics:
Part II: Regional Policy:

Hardcover, 437pages

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