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wydawnictwo: ROULTLEDGE , rok wydania 2004, wydanie IV

cena netto: 280.00 Twoja cena  266,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

A Macroeconomics Reader brings together a collection of key readings in modern macroeconomics. Each article has been carefully chosen to provide the reader with accessible, non-technical, and reflective papers which critically assess important areas and current controversies within modern macroeconomics.

The book is divided into six parts, each with a separate introduction highlighting the relevance of the ensuing articles. The areas covered include: Keynes's General Theory, Keynesian economics and the Keynesian revolution; monetarism; rational expectations and new classical macroeconomics; real business cycle approaches: New Keynesian economics: economic growth.

This book will be an essential guide for students and lecturers in the field of macroeconomics as well as those interested in the history of economic thought.



1. Keynesian Economics and the Keynesian Revolution

2. The Monetarist Counter-Revolution

3. The Challenge of Rational Expectations and New Classical Macroeconomics

4. The Real Business Cycle Approach to Economic Fluctuations

5. New Keynesian Economics

6. The Renaissance of Economic Growth Analysis


676 pages, paperback

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