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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2005, wydanie I

cena netto: 110.00 Twoja cena  104,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Richard Templar's Rules of Work has become an international bestseller, a business book phenomenon and an absolute executive must have. And all of this was achieved without publicity, as the true identity of the mysterious holder of   'The Rules', Templar, remained anonymous. Now for the first time Templar has been recorded live, sharing his rules for achieving more, doing more and being more. Listen to this audio CD at your own convenience and your personal success will be demystified.

Ask yourself, how do some people seem to be just great at their job? They glide effortlessly onwards and upwards through all the politics, the backstabbing, the system, the nonsense that goes on. They always seem to say and do the right thing. Everybody likes them. They get pay rises and promotion. And somehow, they do all these without breaking much of a sweat or seeming to put in excess effort.

Is there something they do that we don't? Is it a natural ability or something we could all learn? The answer is a most definite and resounding yes. They know the 'Rules of Work'. These rules are about how you are seen to be doing your job - brilliantly and efficiently. They are about how you appear to others - successful and confident. Now The Rules are revealed live on CD with new, never before revealed extra material.

Richard Templar is the author of 10 business books including several titles in the Fast Thinking series. Prior to taking up writing full time, he spent many years in managerial roles in a diverse range of businesses, from casinos to higher education, putting The Rules of Work to use for his own personal success.

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