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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2005, wydanie I

cena netto: 140.00 Twoja cena  133,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

"... the vast numbers of books devoted to the subject... have done little to improve the situation... Andrew and Mary Bragg's Developing New Business Ideas might just be the book to change much of this...  If this book can help investors and would-be entrepreneurs in this area it will do not just them, but also the economy as a whole a great service."
Roger Trapp, Independent on Sunday

At some time in their life, almost everyone in business has an idea for a new enterprise.

The idea might be sparked by dissatisfaction with an existing product, experiencing something new while traveling or simply finding that nobody in the market is serving your particular need.  The idea could be for a new venture for your business to launch, or for new business of your own.  But most ideas remain just that: ideas.

We struggle to develop them, wondering if they will work, why nobody has already thought of them and how we could ever turn them into a profitable reality.

How do you take a promising thought and develop it into an enterprise worth backing?

That is the question that this book sets out to answer.  In Developing New Business Ideas, Andrew and Mary Bragg provide a practical guide to creating, shaping, evaluating, refining and implementing new business ideas.

The book demonstrates that it is within absolutely everybody's power to take the first germ of a business idea and to systematically creatively challenge and commercially develop that idea into a viable business opportunity.  Using a practical four-step creative process, Developing New Business Ideas offers a wide-range of hands-on, how-to-actually-do-it techniques to help you add value and viability to your original idea.  It will also introduce you to the experiences of a range of today's successful entrepreneurs, enabling you to learn from the creative lessons that they learned as they built their businesses.

Supported by its own set of online tools, Developing New Business Ideas is an imaginative and interactive companion to converting creativity into successful enterprise.

"Having had your bright, fresh, original idea, the really hard part is turning it into successful reality.  By detailing four structured steps to developing saleable products or services from that first idea, this excellent and imaginative guide significantly simplifies that task.  Essential reading for all would-be entrepreneurs".
Trevor Baylis OBE, the inventor of the clockwork radio.


  • The book you need before you buy the Definitive Business Plan
  • Promises the reassurance that your idea will be properly thought through before you have to stand up and defend it
  • Practical, step-by-step advice
  • With exercises, checklists and case studies

Mary Bragg worked in marketing with GlaxoSmithKline, before undertaking management consultancy with PricewaterhouseCoopers, both in the UK and internationally.  Her professional qualifications include a Masters Degree from London University.  She combines independent management consultancy with a university career as Principal Lecturer on entrepreneurship and creativity.  A Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Mary was a founding trustee of the Academy of Enterprise.  Her earlier book, Re-inventing Influence, won the Management Consultancies' Association award for best management book of the year in 1996.

Andrew Bragg's wide-ranging business career includes general management and marketing roles in the UK and mainland Europe across commercial and not-for-profit sectors.  His chief executive roles have covered the multimedia, print and packaging sectors and have involved a number of entrepreneurial start-ups.  A graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, Andrew also gained an MBA from Cranfield University.


Chapter 1: The importance of developing strong ideas

James Dyson - using the idea development process to clean up
Demystifying the idea development process
Slaying the myth that entrepreneurs are born, not made
The four steps in the idea development process
And another thing: benefits of the idea development process
Call in the cavalry or do it yourself?
Sir Clive Sinclair and the C5 - the perils of a flawed idea development process

 Chapter 2: Applying creativity to the idea development process

Phil Knight and NIKE - combining logic and intuition into record-breaking success
Why is creativity a must?
Reconnect with your creativity
Creativity and the idea development process
Mastering whole-brain thinking
Ingvar Kamprad - using logic and intuition to break the mould with IKEA

 Chapter 3: Step One - seeking and shaping opportunities

Amazon.com - shaping the internet opportunity
Don't rush to headlong action
Give yourself time to develop alternatives
Treat your first business idea as purely tentative
Total immersion in the market
Tools for seeking and shaping opportunities
Moving to Step Two - acknowledging Catch-22
Iridium - the imperfect solution to an opportunity which never existed?

 Chapter 4: Step Two - generating new ideas

Howard Head - an analogical approach to business success
The Mind Gym: six mental workouts and their related routines
Ground-rules for productive mental workouts
Mental Workout One - Checklists
Mental Workout Two - Stimulus materials
Mental Workout Three - Combinations
Mental Workout Four - Free-association
Mental Workout Five - Analogical thinking
Mental Workout Six - Upside-down thinking
Moving to Step Three
Thomas Alva Edison - idea generator par excellence

Chapter 5: Step Three - evaluating and selecting ideas

Karan Bilimoria: brewing the criteria to achieve the "big one"
Evaluation allows development, not just selection
Two-phase screening process
Evaluation frameworks for screening ideas
Criteria to use within the frameworks
Business-focused criteria
Person-focused criteria
Decision balance sheet
Gary Mueller and Internet Securities, Inc. - selecting a venture to suit his needs

Chapter 6: Step Four - planning for implementation

Frederic Smith - overcoming the obstacles to Fedex
The importance of planning for implementation
Increasing the likelihood of successful implementation
The blocks to implementation
Techniques to identify blocks to implementation
Guiding principles for overcoming blocks to implementation
Practical examples of overcoming blocks to implementation
Milestone planning
Jollibee Foods Corporation - planning to beat a giant

Appendix 1: Key to questionnaire on left-brain / right-brain dominance
Appendix 2: Possible solutions to vase / twins visual
Appendix 3: References

Paperback, 288 pages 

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