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wydawnictwo: ARNOLD&PORTER , rok wydania 2005, wydanie I

cena netto: 310.00 Twoja cena  294,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The EU Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications Handbook, 2005 Edition is edited by Michael H. Ryan and Reinhard Schu, members of the Arnold & Porter European Telecommunications Practice Group and respected experts in the field of of electronic communications law and regulation.

Regulation of electronic communications in the 25 EU Member States is increasingly driven by European legislation, in particular the 2002 Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications. This Handbook collects the key European legislation and other instruments pertinent to the electronic communications sector, including:

  • The core Directives comprising the 2002 Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications,
  • Secondary instruments issued under the 2002 Framework,
  • The Commission's Guidelines on Market Analysis and Recommendation on Relevant Markets,
  • The Commission's "Article 7" veto decisions,
  • The ERG Common Position on Remedies and other ERG measures,
  • Measures relating to terminal equipment, technical standards and spectrum,
  • Measures relating to privacy in electronic communications,
  • International treaties relevant to telecommunications,
  • Information on EU case law in the telecommunications sector,
  • Key measures relating to competition law in the electronic communications sector.

Paperback, 610 pages

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