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wydawnictwo: EFP , rok wydania 2004, wydanie I

cena netto: 150.00 Twoja cena  142,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Forex for Small Speculators

If you've never heard of forex, never traded and lived with your head stuck in the sand since you were born then this is the book for you!

Every line is doubled spaced to make the book appear longer than it really is which is short, 96 pages, 82 excluding the glossary. It is the kind of book that a person with no knowledge of forex markets could write within a week and possibly do a better job.

In saying this I'm at page 43 and felt so disgusted and ripped off that I felt compelled to write this. Disappointment is not the word.

To be fair it's mildly interesting in parts but barely scratches the surface on anything it describes.

If you wish to be armed with enough jargon and basics to boldly open a forex account and not have a clue what to do, why look further? "Forex for Small Speculators" is the book for you!

Book Description

This book was my first introduction to forex trading. I needed something I could wrap my mind around, that would give me the basic information, without going overboard. This book did just that. Written by an actual trader, it proved useful to me to understand the terminology, how to get started, as well as what kind of mindset I will need to have in order to succeed. From my experiences in trading stocks and futures I learned a long time ago not to look for a holy grail. Just give me good solid information on what it is I am dealing with and I can handle the rest. This is what this book did for me! And the great part about it I didn't have to read for days on end, the book was brief enough for me to gain some fundamentals. I definitely recommend it to anyone new to Forex trading.

100 pages Paperback

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