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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2005, wydanie I

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Customer Relationship Management examines the entire scope of this subject including strategy, organisation, marketing and information technology.  This book blends together theory and practice to achieve a thorough discussion of CRM, thus helping the reader to answer questions such as "What should our business strategy be?" and "How do we translate CRM business strategy into marketing?"   

This book is suitable for advanced marketing and business undergraduate and MBA students and also students on the following courses: Customer Relationship Management, Direct Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Database Management or Business Intelligence.


  • Case studies provide a basis for class discussion or assessment on an in-depth set of issues.   This drives home real world examples to reinforce concepts.
  • 'Practitioner Insight' boxes throughout the text illustrate CRM in a practical context.
  • Review questions at the end of each chapter help test students' knowledge.
  • Chapters of book presented in modular format to allow it to fit with any CRM syllabus.
  • OneKey Instructor Online Resources include Instructor's Manual and PowerPoint slides.


About the author

1 Introduction  
1.1  Definition 
1.2   CRM as a business strategy    
1.3   Elements of CRM
1.4   CRM Processes and systems    
1.5   Entrance, applications and success of CRM
1.6   Contents of this book 
1.7   Conclusion 
Case study: We have got a huge success on our hands

Part I Strategy and Organisation of CRM  

2 Customer-supplier relationships 
2.1   History
2.2   Description of customer-supplier relationships
2.3   The dynamic in relationships
2.4   Communities   
2.5   Conclusion 
Case study: The relation between a logistics service provider and its new client  

3     CRM as an integral business strategy
3.1   The nature of the CRM strategy    
3.2   The context of the CRM strategy    
3.3   The results of a successful CRM strategy 
3.4  Conclusion 
Case study: Orange Line  

4     The relationship-oriented organisation 
4.1   Mission
4.2   Culture
4.3   Structure  
4.4   People 
4.5   Communication and information
4.6   Systems    
4.7   Where do we stand?
4.8   Conclusion 
Case study: Telecom Italia Mobile cuts churn and increases value 

PART II CRM Marketing Aspects

5 Customer knowledge
5.1   The value of customer knowledge
5.2   The utilisation of data as an asset 
5.3   From data to customer knowledge
5.4   Privacy
5.5   Personal Data Protection Act 
5.6   Information policy
5.7   Conclusion 
Case study: Customer knowledge at Center Parcs: a life-long holiday! 

6 Communications and multichannels    
6.1   Multichannels defined     
6.2   The channels   
6.3   Customers and the use of the channels   
6.4   Influence of the channels on pricing and the formation of relationships
6.5   Recommendations on multichannel communication
6.6   Conclusion 
Case study: Secrets of success for going mobile  

7     The individualised customer proposition
7.1   Customisation  
7.2   Individualisation of the product offering    
7.3   Individualised pricing policy   
7.4   Conclusion 
Case study: Fokker Services: total integrated solutions

8     The relationship policy  
8.1   Improvement of the size and quality of the customer database   
8.2   Relationship policy per segment   
8.3   Relationship policy by relationship phase
8.4   Translating the relationship policy into contact moments  
8.5   Loyalty programmes    
8.6   Conclusion 
Case study: In-House Gifts launches customer loyalty portal  for financial services industry 

PART III Analytical CRM  

9 Relationship data management
9.1   Customer identification    
9.2   Expanding the size of the customer database  
9.3   Customer profiling    
9.4   Conclusion 
Case study: Optimisation of addresses for EURO 20    

10   Data analyses and datamining
10.1 Experiences with data analysis    
10.2 The analysis process    
10.3 Datamining 
10.4 Conclusion 
Case study: Reaping the benefits of customer insight   

11 Segmentation and selections  
11.1 Segmentation study as input for the formulation of the marketing strategy     
11.2 Segmentation research used in compiling the list     
11.3 Conclusion 
Case study: Garnier, The Beauty Bank (IDM Business Performance Award 2003 - silver winner)

12 Retention and cross-sell analyses 
12.1 Retention 
12.2 Cross-selling   
12.3 Conclusion 
Case study: Cross-selling within a fully automated convenience store  

13   The effects of marketing activities  
13.1 Evaluating the effect of marketing activities on the customer value
13.2 Experiments
13.3 The learning organisation
13.4 Conclusion 
Case study: Proteq Direct: testing e-mail marketing is effective

14   Reporting results 
14.1 Lifetime value  
14.2 Alternatives for lifetime value    
14.3 Balanced score card  
14.4 Conclusion 
Case study: A different ending to the end-of-year promotion of fitness centre, Yacht 

 PART IV Operational CRM

 15   Call centre management 
15.1 Call centres described 
15.2 Call centres and human resources 
15.3 Determining the service level
15.4 Capacity planning   
15.5 Managing satisfaction using telephone contact     
15.6 Managing the quality of contacts through other channels   
15.7 Key performance indicators 
15.8 Conclusion 
Case study: Life of a novice call centre agent  

16 Internet and the website
16.1 Traffic building 
16.2 Starting points for providing quality during the visit    
16.3 Creating quality during the visit 
16.4 From visit to transaction
16.5 From transaction to delivery    
16.6 From delivery to retention 
16.7 Measuring the results
16.8 Conclusion 
Case study: Wolters J. Thomson and the Internet

17   Direct mail     
17.1 The position of direct mail
17.2 The process of developing, producing, sending and following-up direct mailings   
17.3 Effective direct mail messages  
17.4 Conclusion 
Case study: Pampers: relationship building using multiple channels (IDM Business Performance Award 2002: bronze winner) 

PART V CRM Systems and their Implementation   

18   CRM systems  
18.1 Overview of CRM systems 
18.2 The call centre   
18.3 The Internet and the website    
18.4 Data warehouse and datamart  
18.5 Campaign management systems    
18.6 Content management system     
18.7 Suppliers of CRM systems 
18.8 Conclusion 
Case study: Canada Post delivers on its CRM strategy

19 Implementation of CRM systems
19.1 Causes for disappointing results
19.2 An initial exploration with CRM and how companies handle this   
19.3 The CRM road map
19.4 CRM project management    
19.5 International or cross-division projects   
19.6 Conclusion 
Case study: Shell and CRM: one database for 20 million customers

20   The future   
20.1 Factors which influence the future of CRM 
20.2 The continuation of the journey
20.3 Conclusion 

Paperback, 450 pages 

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