Applied Time Series
Modelling and Forecasting provides a relatively non-technical introduction to
applied time series econometrics and forecasting involving non-stationary data. The
emphasis is very much on the why and how and, as much as possible, the
authors confine technical material to boxes or point to the relevant sources for more
detailed information.
This book is based on an
earlier title Using Cointegration Analysis in Econometric Modelling by Richard
Harris. As well as updating material covered in the earlier book, there are two major
additions involving panel tests for unit roots and cointegration and forecasting of
financial time series. Harris and Sollis have also incorporated as many of
the latest techniques in the area as possible including: testing for periodic integration
and cointegration; GLS detrending when testing for unit roots; structural breaks and
season unit root testing; testing for cointegration with a structural break; asymmetric
tests for cointegration; testing for super-exogeniety; seasonal cointegration in
multivariate models; and approaches to structural macroeconomic modelling. In addition,
the discussion of certain topics, such as testing for unique vectors, has been simplified.
Applied Time Series
Modelling and Forecasting has been written for students taking courses in
financial economics and forecasting, applied time series, and econometrics at advanced
undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It will also be useful for practitioners who wish
to understand the application of time series modelling e.g. financial brokers.
Richard Harris is a
Professor in the Department of Economics and Finance at the University of Durham. His
areas of research are in the field of applied econometrics and he has published widely in
numerous journals.
Robert Sollis is a
Lecturer in the Department of Economics and Finance at the University of Durham. His
research interests are in time series econometrics with particular focus on nonlinear
models for macroeconomic and financial time series.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction and
Some Initial Concepts.
Outline of the Book.
2. Short- and Long-run
Long-run Models.
Stationary and
Non-stationary Time Series.
Spurious Regressions.
Short-run Models.
3. Testing for Unit Roots.
The Dickey-Fuller Test.
Augmented Dickey-Fuller
Power and Level of Unit Root
Structural Breaks and Unit
Root Tests.
Seasonal Unit Roots.
Structural Breaks and
Seasonal Unit Root Tests.
Periodic Integration and
Unit Root-testing.
Conclusion on Unit Root
4. Cointegration in Single
The Engle-Granger (EG)
Testing for Cointegration
with a Structural Break.
Alternative Approaches.
Problems with the Single
Equation Approach.
Estimating the Short-run
Dynamic Model.
Seasonal Cointegration.
Periodic Cointegration.
Asymmetric Tests for
5. Cointegration in
Multivariate Systems.
The Johansen Approach.
Testing the Order of
Integration of the Variables.
Formulation of the Dynamic
Testing for Reduced Rank.
Deterministic Components in
the Multivariate Model.
Testing of Weak Exogeneity
and VECM with Exogenous I (l) Variables.
Testing for Linear
Hypotheses on Cointegration Relations.
Testing for Unique
Cointegration Vectors.
Joint Tests of Restrictions
on α and β Seasonal Unit Roots.
Seasonal Cointegration.
Appendix 1: Programming in SHAZAM.
6. Modelling the Short-run
Multivariate System.
Estimating the Long-run
Cointegration Relationships.
Parsimonious VECM.
Conditional PVECM.
Structural Modelling.
Structural Macroeconomic
7. Panel Data Models and
Panel Data and Modelling
Panel Unit Root Tests.
Testing for Cointegration in
Estimating Panel
Cointegration Models.
Conclusion on Testing for
Unit Roots and Cointegration in Panel Data.
8. Modelling and Forecasting
Financial Times Series.
Multivariate GARCH.
Estimation and Testing.
An Empirical Application of
ARCH and GARCH Models.
Asymmetric GARCH Models.
Integrated and Fractionally
Integrated GARCH Models.
Heteroscedasticity, Unit Roots and Cointegration.
Forecasting with GARCH
Further Methods for Forecast
Conclusions on Modelling and
Forecasting Financial Time Series.
Appendix: Cointegration
Analysis Using the Johansen Technique: A Practitioner's Guide to PcGive 10.1.
Statistical Appendix.
302 pages Paperback