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wydawnictwo: AMACOM , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 235.00 Twoja cena  223,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The AMA Handbook of E-Learning: Effective Design, Implementation, and Technology Solutions    

This authoritative sourcebook is a timely decision-making tool for companies making the transition to (or already using) e-learning.

Featuring all-original contributions from high-profile practitioners and renowned theorists, the book reveals how top companies are implementing and using this crucial employee development tool. Topics include:

* analyzing organizational need

* selling e-learning to the organization

* learning management systems

* synchronous collaboration

* learning portals

* repurposing materials

* outsourcing and vendor relations.

Other chapters focus on motivation and retention, technological and software options, measuring ROI, and more.

Author Biography: George M. Piskurich (Macon, GA) is the author of The ASTD Handbook of Training Design and Delivery and a consultant on learning technology, organizational performance, and instructional design.

496 pages Hardcover

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