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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2005, wydanie VII

cena netto: 285.00 Twoja cena  270,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Accounting Fundamentals is a text-kit that provides a brief but comprehensive introduction to accounting. It gives students a basic understanding of accounting principles and procedures used for recording, classifying, and summarizing financial data. Students also learn accounting terminology and are introduced to the financial forms, records, and statements used in the business world.

Table of Contents

Principles of Accounting
The Effect of Revenue and Expenses
Asset, Liability, and Owner's Equity Accounts
Revenue and Expense Accounts
The Trial Balance
Financial Statements
Project 1
The General Journal
The General Ledger
The Worksheet and the Financial Statements
Closing the Ledger
Project 2
Introduction to Merchandising Businesses: Sales
Introduction to Merchandising Businesses: Purchases
Accounting for Purchases
Accounting for Sales
The Sales Journal
The Purchases Journal
The Cash Receipts Journal
The Cash Payments Journal
The Accounts Receivable Ledger
The Accounts Payable Ledger
Project 3
Worksheet Adjustments
Cost of Goods Sold and Statements
Adjusting and Closing the General Ledger
Project 4
Banking Procedures
Petty Cash and Other Special Cash Procedures
Payroll Procedures
The Combined Journal
Practice Set
Glossary of Terms


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