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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2006, wydanie IV

cena netto: 360.00 Twoja cena  342,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

International Financial Management combines the fundamental concepts of international finance with solid practical applications. This combination has made it the book of choice at a variety of institutions, including top business schools such as Wharton, Stanford, Northwestern, and INSEAD. Neither superficial nor overly theoretical, Eun and Resnick's approach offers a conceptually solid, treatment of international financial topics that puts students on the right track to becoming effective global financial managers.

Cheol Eun
Cheol S. Eun (Ph.D., NYU, 1981) is a professor of finance and currently holds the Thomas R. Williams Chair in International Finance at Georgia Institute of Technology. Before joining Georgia Tech, he taught at Kent State University, University of Minnesota, and the University of Maryland, and at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He has published extensively on international finance issues in such major journals as the Journal of Finance, JFQA, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Portfolio Management, Management Science, and Oxford Economic Papers. Currently he is an associate editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance, Global Finance Journal, European Financial Management. Professor Eun has taught a variety of courses at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels and was the winner of the Krowe Teaching Excellence Award at the University of Maryland and has served as a consultant to many national and international organizations.

Bruce Resnick
Bruce G. Resnick (D.B.A. Indiana, 1979) is a professor of management at the Babcock Graduate School of Management of Wake Forest University. Prior to coming to the Babcock School, he taught at Indiana University for ten years, the University of Minnesota for five years, and California State University for two years. Professor Resnick has also taught as a visiting professor at Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, and at the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration. Like Professor Eun, he has had research articles published in the most prestigious academic journals, and he has served as a consultant to a number of nonprofit and for-profit organizations in the selection of investment managers for organizational funds

Table of Contents   

PART ONE Foundations of International Financial Management
Globalization and the Multinational Firm
International Monetary System
Balance of Payments
Corporate Governance around the World

PART TWO The Foreign Exchange Market, Exchange Rate Determination, and Currency Derivatives
The Market for Foreign Exchange
International Parity Relationships and Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates
Futures and Options on Foreign Exchange

PART THREE Foreign Exchange Exposure and Management
Management of Transaction Exposure
Management of Economic Exposure
Management of Translation Exposure

PART FOUR World Financial Markets and Institutions
International Banking and Money Market
International Bond Market
International Equity Markets
Interest Rate and Currency Swaps
International Portfolio Investment

PART FIVE Financial Management of the Multinational Firm
Foreign Direct Investment and Cross-Border Acquisitions
International Capital Structure and the Cost of Capital
International Capital Budgeting
Multinational Cash Management
International Trade Finance
International Tax Environment



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