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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2005, wydanie I

cena netto: 180.00 Twoja cena  171,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

"Keeping Better Company is an indispensible reference book" -John Plender, Financial Times


  • New edition of the best-selling book on Corporate Governance
  • Details the national and international codes and principles laid down since publication of the first edition
  • Surverys recent developments in five major industrial countries: Germany, Japan, France, the USA, and the UK.
  • Examines the business environment and the particular structures of company organization

New to this edition

  • Extensively revised, updated, and expanded
  • A new conclusion looks at a number of ongoing issues in Corporate Governance
  • A new appendix discusses the role of international organizations

How should companies be organized? To whom should boards of directors be responsible - shareholders, or a wider group of stakeholders? In this fiercely competitive world we cannot judge our own system of corporate governance in isolation; it must bear comparison with the best. The second edition of this acclaimed and well-established book aims to do just that.

Since publication of the first edition interest in corporate governance has greatly increased, codes have proliferated, and principles laid down nationally and internationally. In Keeping Better Company, the author describes developments in the system of corporate governance - both the business environment and the particular structures of company organization - in five major industrial countries: Germany, Japan, France, the USA, and the UK.

This second edition is fully revised, updated and expanded, and includes a new conclusion looking at a number of ongoing issues in corporate governance, and an appendix discussing the role of international organizations.

Readership: Academics, scholars, and advanced students of Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Business Strategy; Managers, Management Consultants, Corporate Lawyers, Company Secretaries, and other practitioners involved in Corporate Governance.

Table of Contents

1 The Essence of Governance

2 Germany

3 Japan

4 France

5 The United States of America

6 The United Kingdom

7 Unfinished Business

Appendix: The Role of International Organizations

464 pages

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