
CAMERON wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2005, wydanie I cena netto: 260.00 Twoja cena 247,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka Econometrics aims to introduce students with little or no previous experience in
econometrics to this important discipline. This text focuses on explaining why
econometrics exists and how it can be used in everyday life. This text adopts a strong
student-focused approach to the discipline. In doing so, it aims to address fundamental
issues in econometrics in an accessible manner for students, who are often put off by the
difficult nature of econometrics.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introducing Econometrics
Chapter 2: Statistical Testing and Modelling: The Basics
Chapter 3: The Classical Linear Regression Model Introduced
Chapter 4: Preparing and Using Data
Chapter 5: What do all these tests and statistics mean?
Chapter 6: Making Regression Analysis More Useful I: Transformation
Chapter 7: Making Regression Analysis More Useful II: Dummies and Trends
Chapter 8: Predicting and Explaining Discrete Events: Logit and Probit Models
Chapter 9: More Tests: Diagnosing the results of basic models
Chapter 10: Multicollinearity: Serious Worry or Minor Nuisance?
Chapter 11: Problem Solving: Heteroscedasticity
Chapter 12: Multiple equation models: Specification and the Identification Problem
Chapter 13: Multiple equation models: Methods of Estimation
Chapter 14: Problem Solving: Time-Series
Chapter 15: Conclusion
1 Blank Template of Summary Sheet for Review Studies.
2 Brief Description of the Excel files of Data Sets.
3 The Notion of Causality
4 Statistical Tables
5 Probability
6 Standard error of the regression coefficient
7 Derivation of the normal equations for a multiple regression mode
Paperback, 480 Pages
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