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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2005, wydanie I

cena netto: 265.00 Twoja cena  251,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This book is an up to date multidisciplinary account of the European Union which is broad but comprehensive in coverage. The author has a great deal of experience of teaching on a wide range of EU courses and has worked as an expert for the European Commission.

Table of Contents  

Chapter 1: An Introduction to European Integration: Definitions and Terminology
Chapter 2: A Brief History of European Integration
Chapter 3: The Decision-Making Institutions of the European Union
Chapter 4: Basic Instruments: The Theory of Trade and the EU
Chapter 5: The Economics of Integration
Chapter 6: From the Single Market to the `New Europe'
Chapter 7: Movement of Labour, Immigration and Asylum
Chapter 8: The Long Road to Economic and Monetary Union
Chapter 9: The EU Budget
Chapter 10: The Common Agricultural Policy
Chapter 11: Fisheries Policy
Chapter 12: Environmental and Energy Policies
Chapter 13: Regional Policy
Chapter 14: Social and Employment Policies
Chapter 15: Competition and Industrial Policies
Chapter 16: Transport Policy
Chapter 17: The EU and the GATT/WTO
Chapter 18: EU Trade and Aid policies
Chapter 19: The Common Foreign and Security Policy
Chapter 20: EU Enlargement

Paperback, 544 Pages

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