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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2005, wydanie I

cena netto: 225.00 Twoja cena  213,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Dr Kui-Wai Li advocates economism that paraphrases relative rather than absolute outcomes in societal activities. His research specializes in the areas of economic and financial development, industry and trade, and focuses on China and other Asian economies. His refereed articles have appeared in journals published in the US, the UK, Italy, Japan, Korea and Mainland China. He is the author of Capitalist Development and Economism in East Asia: The Rise of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea (2002) and Financial Repression and Economic Reform in China (1994). He is also the editor for Financing China Trade and Investment (1997). Dr Li has worked as a consultant to international institutions, foreign governments and businesses, and is regularly interviewed by local and foreign press, radio and television on Hong Kong, Mainland China and foreign issues.

Table of Contents   

Hong Kong's Development and the Economism Paradigm
Economic Performances since the 1980s
Productivity, Unit Labour Cost and Cost Competitiveness
Fiscal Policies: Challenge, Dilemma and Leadership
The Monetary and Financial Sector
The Real Estate Market
Trade and Changes in Comparative Advantage
Economic Integration: The Competitive-Complementary Model
Where is the Hong Kong Economy Heading?

Paperback, 512 Pages

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