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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2006, wydanie III

cena netto: 265.00 Twoja cena  251,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Issues in Economics Today is a modern issues book that presents the latest and most interesting topics. Most importantly, this title was developed to allow instructors the maximum flexibility to teach this material in a manner that fits their personal style.

Table of Contents   

1 Economics: The Study of Opportunity Cost
2 Supply and Demand
3 The Concept of Elasticity and Consumer and Producer Surplus
4 Firm Production, Cost, and Revenue
5 Perfect Competition, Monopoly, and Economic versus Normal Profit
6 Every Macroeconomic Word You Ever Heard: Gross Domestic Product, Inflation, Unemployment, Recession, and Depression
7 Interest Rates and Present Value
8 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
9 Federal Spending
10 Federal Deficits, Surpluses, and the National Debt
11 Fiscal Policy
12 Monetary Policy
13 International Trade: Does it Jeopardize American Jobs?
14 The International Monetary Fund: Doctor or Witch Doctor?
15 NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, WTO: Are Trade Agreements Good for Us?
16 Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs, and Prostitution
17 The Environment
18 Health Care
19 Government Provided Health Insurance: Medicaid, Medicare, and the Child Health Insurance Program
20 The Economics of Prescription Drugs
21 The Economics of Crime
22 Education
23 Poverty and Welfare
24 Social Security
25 Head Start
26 The Economics of Race and Sex Discrimination
27 Farm Policy
28 Minimum Wage
29 Rent Control
30 Ticket Brokers and Ticket Scalping
31 Personal Income Taxes
32 Antitrust
33 Energy Prices
34 If We Build It, Will They Come? And Other Sports Questions
35 The Stock Market and Crashes
36 Unions
37 The Cost of War
38 The Economics of Terrorism
39 Wal-Mart: Always Low Prices (And Low Wages) ' Always
40 The Economic Impact of Casino Gambling
41 Why College Textbooks Cost So Much
42 Housing Bubble


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