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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2006, wydanie III

cena netto: 375.00 Twoja cena  356,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Modular packaging options are offered through Primis.Individual chapters may be custom published and wrapped with any Irwin/McGraw-Hill principles of economics textbook. Experiments similar to these are available online at EconX. This is the option for those who prefer paper and pencil.

Some experiments are shortened. Busy work is de-emphasized in favor of more attention to learning concepts

Answers to the warm-up exercises are now included at the end of the text. These provide instant reinforcement as the student becomes comfortable with the experiment's procedures

More real-world explanations in the discussion sections of each chapter help the student better understand the economic concepts

Experiments can be conducted in an ordinary classroom without special equipment. Topics covered are those typically taught in a Microeconomics course: Supply, demand, market equilibria, taxes, price floors and ceilings, externalities, monopolies, and comparative advantage. Students are engaged in active learning and theory is brought to life via the laboratory experiment.

While the text is meant to supplement any microeconomics principles text, it can and has been used by itself. "Discussion Sections" give an abbreviated treatment of economic theory relevant to completing the experiment.

Each experiment contains instructions and a warm-up exercise that helps students think about the decisions they will be making in the experiment. Thus, the experiment is put into a context before it is performed to highlight its significance and to enhance student understanding.

"Lab Reports" for each experiment ask students to analyze data from the experiment and think about economic implications. On completing their lab reports, the students can organize their findings and report their findings at the next class meeting. In discussion groups, the students look for a theoretical explanation of what happened and explore other applications in the real world.

At the end of the chapter, there is a homework assignment that will help students solidify the ideas that have been explored.

The Instructor's Manual is essential for instructors who are new to using experiments to teach economics.

A continually updated website provides new ideas and a place to share experiences with others who use the experimental approach: http://zia.hss.cmu.edu/miller/eep/eep.html

Flexibility for instructor and student.

Paperback, 448 Pages

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