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wydawnictwo: REUTLEDGE , rok wydania 2006, wydanie I

cena netto: 190.00 Twoja cena  180,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

One of the first books of its kind in the subject area, this ground-breaking text brings together seminal papers in the area of crisis management and organizational theory. Covering this important field from both a theoretical and practical perspective, it features key readings from Karl Weick, Charles Perrow and many other luminaries of the field.

The book is divided into four main sections:
? Understanding Crisis Management
? Modelling the Crisis Management Process
? The Crisis of Management: Cultural and Psychological Dynamics
of Risk and Crisis Management
? Crisis Management in Practice.

Comprehensive and thought provoking, the collected readings review the approaches and limitations of crisis management processes and their cultural and psychological dynamics. Featuring expert editorial commentary on all the key readings, this is an essential and illuminating text that crosses discplines and covers the diversity within crisis management. As such, it is an invaluable introduction for students.


Chapter 1 Denis Smith

Crisis management ? practice in search of a paradigm

Section 1 Understanding Crisis Management

Chapter 2 Perrow, C.
The limits of safety: The enhancement of a theory of accidents

Chapter 3 Shrivastava, P., Mitroff, I., Miller, D. and Miglani, M. Understanding industrial crises

Chapter 4 Mitroff, I., Pauchant, T. and Shrivastava, P.
The structure of man-made organizational crisis

Chapter 5 Miller, D.
Organisational pathology and industrial crisis

Chapter 6 Arjen Boin
Organizations and Crisis ? The emergence of a research paradigm
Section 2 Modelling the Crisis Management Process

Chapter 7 Denis Smith
Modelling the crisis management process ? approaches and limitations

Chapter 8 Turner, B.A.
The organizational and inter-organizational development of disasters

Chapter 9 Pauchant, T. and Mitroff, I.I.
Crisis prone versus crisis avoiding organisations

Chapter10 Smith, D.
Beyond contingency planning - Towards a model of crisis management

Chapter 11 Roberts, K. H
Some characteristics of one type of High Reliability Organization

Chapter 12 Fortune, J. and Peters, G.
Systems analysis of failures as a quality management tool

Chapter 13 Turner, B.A. and Toft, B.
Organizational learning from disasters

Chapter 14 Weick, K.E.
Enacted sensemaking in crisis situations

Chapter 15 Larry Barton
Modelling the Crisis Management Process

Section 3 The Crisis of Management: Cultural and Psychological Dynamics of Risk and Crisis Management

Chapter 16 Rasmussen, J.
Human errors: A taxonomy for describing human malfunction in industrial installations

Chapter 17 Reason, J.
The contribution of latent human failures to the breakdown of complex systems,

Chapter 18 Weick, K.E.
The collapse of sensemaking in organizations: The Mann Gulch Disaster

Chapter 19 Radell, W.W.
Storming and catastrophic systems failure

Chapter 20 Denis Smith
The crisis of management - managing ahead of the curve

Section 4 Crisis Management in Practice

Chapter 21 Smart, C. and Vertinsky, I.
Designs for crisis decision units

Chapter 22 Weick, K.E. and Roberts, K. H.
Collective minds in organizations: Heedful interrelating on flight decks

Chapter 23 Elliott, D. and Smith, D.
Football stadia disasters in the United Kingdom: Learning from tragedy

Chapter 24 Dominic Elliott
Crisis Management in practice


Chapter 25 Denis Smith and Dominic Elliott
Author Biography:

304 pages, Paperback

Denis Smith is currently Director of the University of Liverpool Management School.

Dominic Elliott is currently Paul Roy Professor of Business Continuity and Strategic Management at the University of Liverpool Management School.

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