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wydawnictwo: REUTLEDGE , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 210.00 Twoja cena  199,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The book is different from and superior to many macroeconomics textbooks    not only because of its unique approach to open economy macroeconomic policy issues, but also because of the extensive introductions, questions exercises and suggested reading it provides in each part . An Open Economy Macroeconomics Reader is an essential reference for all interested in open economy macroeconomic policy   including policy makers, practitioners, students and lecturers. Without doubt, the book will also be an rewarding source of reading for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of economics.  Osman Aydgus, The Agean University, Turkey

Little that a student of intermediate macroeconomics needs to know is missing from these pages.  Nigel Grimwade, The Times Higher, June 2002
This book draws together seminal contributions on the nature of macroeconomics in open economies and illuminates the material by using:
explanatory introductions to each piece
discussion questions
suggestions for further reading
reference to the key journal articles
boxed key terms.
This is an essential guide to the subject for students, as commented upon by the most influential commentators.

Table of Contents:
Part 1: Stablisation Policy in the Mundell-Flemming Model
Part 2: Expenditure-Switching Policy: Devaluation and balance of payments adjustment
Part 3: Achieving the Internal and External Balance Simultaneously: Targets and instruments
Part 4: Interdependence and Macroeconomic Policy Co-ordination
Part 5: The International Monetary System and Monetary Policy: Design and institutions
Part 6: Exchange Rate Determination and Policy
Part 7: Monetary Unions and the EMU
Part 8: Tax Policy in Open Economies: Competition vs. co-ordination
Part 9: Labour Market Policy and Institutions: A comparative assessment

Author Biography:
Mehmet Ugur is Jean Monnet Senior Lecturer in the Political Economy of European Integration at the University of Greenwich. He is the author of numerous journal articles and two previous books including The European Union and Turkey (1999) which is just being translated into Turkish.

544 pages

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